forum My Rant that is directed at racism
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 3 followers

Deleted user

So me and my cousins were playing Rpblox right?
Don't judge.
And so while we were playing, this guy comes on and starts bragging about his youtube channel. Which was absolute crap. So of course we busted him and he actually didn't have a youtube channel.
So In getting mad he starts RANTING about how stupid and mean white people were and that blacjs didn't have much rights and that he should be president so we would know how it felt like to be whipped (As if I don't know.) He also assumed I was black which I'm not, I'm Asian. He also said that we all have small eyes meaning that we can't see and that we should all be smart. (That actually really hurt and now I'm depressed.) The worst part was that he claimed that he stood for all people not "white." and he claimed asians were White. and lots of other rasict things.

I mean I don't understand why people are so rasict, Why is it so bad to be yourself?

Deleted user

and these idiots claim that black people and others can't be racist? Ha ha LOL


I hate people like that I mean he doesn't even know you so how is him being racist towards you ok i mean being racist is never okay but like grrrrrRRR
people like that make me so mad

@Rvan group

I hate that when people are all like ‘white people are all trash’ and all the crap. I just feel like racist people have no good sense…


I hate racism and stereotypes so much. The color of your skin and what country you are from doesn't change who you are on the inside. That guy is rude and mean and you shouldn't listen to him. In fact, I have always wanted to visit Japan even though I am technically white. I think the country and everything about it is so cool, but some people in America think that is wrong. Some people will call me Asian, which is NOT an insult, and laugh about it. That doesn't exactly make me too popular in my school, though I try not to let that get under my skin. Whether it is race, religion, or school groups I make it my job to eliminate the stereotypes and hatred.

Deleted user

The reason why racism exists is due to simple bias. When I was younger I used to hate mushrooms because I ate one and it tasted bad. So for years, I didn't eat a single mushroom. Until one day I had a mushroom because some friends said I was being picky. I actually quite like mushrooms now. I know the story is simple, but my point is that people who are racist most likely had an experience from early on that caused them to assume something mean about a certain group of people. Whether it's from a bad experience, or they got it from their parents/ relatives


The reason why racism exists is due to simple bias. When I was younger I used to hate mushrooms because I ate one and it tasted bad. So for years, I didn't eat a single mushroom. Until one day I had a mushroom because some friends said I was being picky. I actually quite like mushrooms now. I know the story is simple, but my point is that people who are racist most likely had an experience from early on that caused them to assume something mean about a certain group of people. Whether it's from a bad experience, or they got it from their parents/ relatives

That is very true @Winter although I also think it is the creation of stereotypes by other people can also play a part.


I saw the word "Roblox" and I'm like HECK YEAH!

And so while we were playing, this guy comes on and starts bragging about his youtube channel. Which was absolute crap. So of course we busted him and he actually didn't have a youtube channel.
So In getting mad he starts RANTING about how stupid and mean white people were and that blacjs didn't have much rights and that he should be president so we would know how it felt like to be whipped (As if I don't know.) He also assumed I was black which I'm not, I'm Asian. He also said that we all have small eyes meaning that we can't see and that we should all be smart. (That actually really hurt and now I'm depressed.) The worst part was that he claimed that he stood for all people not "white." and he claimed asians were White. and lots of other rasict things.

What the heck is wrong with people? White people can be jerks, black people can be jerks, Mexicans can be jerks, and Asians can be jerks. All of us have been jerks at one point. I know some black people. They were nice. Sure, some of them have been annoying and mean, but some are nice. Most of my friends are white, because that's who I know, and they're nice, but some of them are annoying and mean. I met an Asian lady who was my senior counsleor at summer camp, and she was the nicest woman that I have ever met. But some Asian people can probably be jerks (I wouldn't know because there are very few Asians in my area). I met a Latino girl. She only spoke Spanish…but whatever. She was nice. But some Latinos can be jerks. All of us came from two people. Can't we just STOP this racism crap?


The reason why racism exists is due to simple bias. When I was younger I used to hate mushrooms because I ate one and it tasted bad. So for years, I didn't eat a single mushroom. Until one day I had a mushroom because some friends said I was being picky. I actually quite like mushrooms now. I know the story is simple, but my point is that people who are racist most likely had an experience from early on that caused them to assume something mean about a certain group of people. Whether it's from a bad experience, or they got it from their parents/ relatives

You've made a very good point, @Winter .

@Rvan group

What the heck is wrong with people? White people can be jerks, black people can be jerks, Mexicans can be jerks, and Asians can be jerks. All of us have been jerks at one point. I know some black people. They were nice. Sure, some of them have been annoying and mean, but some are nice. Most of my friends are white, because that's who I know, and they're nice, but some of them are annoying and mean. I met an Asian lady who was my senior counsleor at summer camp, and she was the nicest woman that I have ever met. But some Asian people can probably be jerks (I wouldn't know because there are very few Asians in my area). I met a Latino girl. She only spoke Spanish…but whatever. She was nice. But some Latinos can be jerks. All of us came from two people. Can't we just STOP this racism crap?

Amen to that! (Not the part about being jerks, but the part about being nice stopping racism, lol)


What the heck is wrong with people? White people can be jerks, black people can be jerks, Mexicans can be jerks, and Asians can be jerks. All of us have been jerks at one point. I know some black people. They were nice. Sure, some of them have been annoying and mean, but some are nice. Most of my friends are white, because that's who I know, and they're nice, but some of them are annoying and mean. I met an Asian lady who was my senior counsleor at summer camp, and she was the nicest woman that I have ever met. But some Asian people can probably be jerks (I wouldn't know because there are very few Asians in my area). I met a Latino girl. She only spoke Spanish…but whatever. She was nice. But some Latinos can be jerks. All of us came from two people. Can't we just STOP this racism crap?

Amen to that! (Not the part about being jerks, but the part about being nice stopping racism, lol)

Thanks. I felt like I kinda went over the top, but it's nice to know that someone actually read all of that :)


What the heck is wrong with people? White people can be jerks, black people can be jerks, Mexicans can be jerks, and Asians can be jerks. All of us have been jerks at one point. I know some black people. They were nice. Sure, some of them have been annoying and mean, but some are nice. Most of my friends are white, because that's who I know, and they're nice, but some of them are annoying and mean. I met an Asian lady who was my senior counsleor at summer camp, and she was the nicest woman that I have ever met. But some Asian people can probably be jerks (I wouldn't know because there are very few Asians in my area). I met a Latino girl. She only spoke Spanish…but whatever. She was nice. But some Latinos can be jerks. All of us came from two people. Can't we just STOP this racism crap?

Amen to that! (Not the part about being jerks, but the part about being nice stopping racism, lol)

Thanks. I felt like I kinda went over the top, but it's nice to know that someone actually read all of that :)

It was great, not over the top! Love it. Totally agree with everything.