forum My High School Friends
Started by @Crwned

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I have a friend named Dylan. He is 6 feet 2 inches and weighs 170 pounds. His nickname is Utah, based on where he used to live before his daddy left him.( "Well, as I roamed and rambled as I followed my footsteps to the sparkling lands of Utah. and all around me a voice was sounding. My dad doesn't love me.")He found a new daddy in a 6 foot 4 inches form named Garrett. Dylan can be quite frank at times, often sprouting inappropriate jokes at inappropriate times. Common characteristics of this rare male mutated specimen include the inability to whisper, stay puft marshmallow man smile, and ever so recognizable cockeyed ears .He is often described by his friends "gumpy" "god awful" and "unathletic". His eyes often bulge at the sight or sound of nearly anything that has to do with a woman. "Because I have so much love to give. but no one wants me to give it to them." He is often seen around his complete opposite friends- 6 feet 7 inches of Seth (often referred to as Cash Money Keipert) and 5 feet of Caitlin (often referred to as C-Cat or best friend.) “You getting more attention is what you need” “Everyone look at Dylan” Dylan happens to love Woody Guthrie, as quoted saying "This land land was made for you and me besides anybody not born in America and Florida."


I have a friend named Molly. She is 5 feet 2 inches and has astonishingly grey eyes. Her sense of style is always on point with upcoming trends, though an added flair of personality shines through. She has strong addiction to Buzzfeed quizzes, often dragging me into doing them with her. Her high pitched laugh is recognizable from almost a mile away and constant hair-twirling might blow you away. ("Sometimes when I laugh really hard I sound like a wheezing old man.") Her unorganized mess of school folders could make even the most disorganized person cringe. She has a knack for doing English homework during her 4ᵗʰ hour online class. Her school life and home life are generally separated by a fine-tipped line of eyeliner. Her Instagram page is the epitome of a high school photographer wrapped in a Chinese takeout box. Her resting b*tch face puts most people off, but once you get passed the full face of makeup you'll realized that she is truly a fashion crazy, fruit snack loving, grandma. She is often described as sometimes hot, creative, and energetic when she isn't crazy. She loves her grandson Joshua, "he recently lost his two front teeth when he ran into a doorknob trying to get cookies I made for him"


I had a friend in high school.
She was lively. Short, golden hair. Round glasses set atop a button nose. She held life in her eyes. Always adamant that there was beauty in everything, even in the dying trees before winter and the muddy trails at the end of spring. She was bookish. Taking enjoyment from books like they were her own life. When she talked about her passions, her hands waved around making all the attention was on her. She needed you to listen to her, these things were vital in her life, so they had to be vital to others… right?
She was wrong. Nobody really cared about her passions. They were trivial, childish even. She became distant. Stopped looking at the sunsets as beautiful, instead deeming them one more thing that left her. Her golden hair became as dull as a stormy sky. Her dark brown eyes held no more life.

Every night I wonder what happened to me.
Every night I never come up with a reason.
Every night I break just a little. bit. more.

this is really shitty. i apologize.

Deleted user

No, it's amazing! I might actually write a poem or something with this as inspiration! (If you don't mind, that is)


No, it's amazing! I might actually write a poem or something with this as inspiration! (If you don't mind, that is)

go right ahead, let me know if you do and of i can read it

Deleted user

(Q: Did you actually base this off of irl things? (Maybe not names, but personalities))


(Q: Did you actually base this off of irl things? (Maybe not names, but personalities))

Both names and personalities. I actually wrote this with them in the room.