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Deleted user

Well, if one day you could magically teleport to El Salvador XD

Deleted user

I mean… we got some shady stuff but those teachers make it worth it

Deleted user

Games? Stuff you are working on? Weird thing that had happen to you?

Deleted user

Then I could maybe tell you about the weird "paranormal stuff" that happened to me XD


So in the summer I went to a summer camp with a HUGE group. It's an awesome camp btw, so anyways, we're there and there are four teams. Each team has their own flag and yada yada. So me and this girl are chatting, she's holding our teams flag, and one of the high school guys runs up and tries to yank it out of her hands. She grips it tighter and starts pulling it back, and I grab it as well, but one of his friends also runs over and starts pulling it too. Now imagine two bulky boys, against two smallish girls. It's totally unfair. So they almost rip it out of our hands- until one of the kids that's much smaller then both of us girls, AND the boys runs up, yanks the flag out of all of our hands and runs off. Now this kid is on my team, so I'm cheering him on as The high school boys run after him barely keeping up. Honestly it's funny now, but it was INCREASINGLY frustrating at the time.


It was- sorta. These same boys kept trying to take all the flags. And were successful multiple time. They were real jerks- putting a damper on the whole experience. But it was hilarious when the one boy's older brother went and stole it from his cabin and brought it back to us. He's way sweeter then the first boy.

Deleted user

As for paranormal related stuff, firts, when I was little (little enough to not understand death) my grandparents decided (for some reason) to bring me to a funeral, I didn't get it at the time but I saw someone sitting on the coffin and waving at me, then going back to the coffin, years later I tell my mom thinking about it as a weird childhood memory, I describe the person I saw and she says that I just described the actual person who died…

Deleted user

It was- sorta. These same boys kept trying to take all the flags. And were successful multiple time. They were real jerks- putting a damper on the whole experience. But it was hilarious when the one boy's older brother went and stole it from his cabin and brought it back to us. He's way sweeter then the first boy.

If my class made something like that ww
E girls would be the ones stealing the flag (I seen the girls from my class doing some Hulk level stuff…)

Deleted user

There's also that time I woke up around 3 or 4 a.m and I saw a weird shadow walking on the wall, for context, I was little and I had a nightlight, I had lost my firts tooth and being the small child I was I thought it was the tooth fairy, now I realize I was the only person awake, nobody else was in the room, that thing was WAY too skinny to be human and it was floating

Deleted user

I would be among the ones who gave up if I did something like that, but seriously, I saw one of them throwing away one ofnthose soccer goal things, the ones my school uses are made out of metal, heavy and hard metal, I seen them push and throw those away…