forum MBTI
Started by @Riorlyne pets

people_alt 8 followers


INFJ but I don't know my last letter, after the hyphen that Sly and Qxeen did lol
I know my MBTI but honestly don't pay a lot of attention to it laughs kinda nervously


Okay so I took the test a while ago, but I haven't done any research on my personality, does anyone have a website to go read up on personalities?

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(to everyone) Who's your favourite book (or movie) character that (apparently) has the same type as you?

(I know most MBTI-sorting of book and movie characters is subjective, but it's still fun!)

I'm an INFP and I love looking up stuff about personality types! its super cool! I identify with Anne of Green Gables and Alicia Keys (both of whom I've loved since i was litlle so that's awesome)