forum MBTI
Started by @Riorlyne pets

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@Riorlyne pets


I was just wondering if anyone has taken an MBTI test for themselves, and if (like me) they found the results eerily accurate.

I took a test a few years back and tbh probably answered the questions according to what I wished I was, not what I actually was, and got INTP. Didn't seem to fit, but I thought, 'meh, tests aren't perfect anyway'. Took it again yesterday out of curiosity (answering as honestly as I could) and got INFJ. Whoa. It's almost scary how much the answers describe me. O_O

@Riorlyne pets

And I agree: it is scary-accurate.

I saw a post with suggested careers to pursue or avoid for INFJs. "Writer" was on the 'to pursue' side. (Inner me: yesssssss). "Journalist" was on the 'to avoid' side. (Inner me: How do they KNOW??)

I can't count the times I've told someone I want to write and they go, "Oh, like be a journalist?"


I've gotten both INFP and INFJ; the judging vs perceiving percentages are always really close. I feel like they both sort of fit me (better than any of the other ones at least).

@Riorlyne pets

(to everyone) Who's your favourite book (or movie) character that (apparently) has the same type as you?

(I know most MBTI-sorting of book and movie characters is subjective, but it's still fun!)

@Riorlyne pets

I didn't know about those characters!

That blogger has done a post for each type, it's amazing! My favourite INFJ that she lists is definitely Remus Lupin.