forum LGBTQ+ community: What are some irritating misconceptions about your sexuality that you hear?
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Deleted user

I know I'm not the only one out there whose sexuality is always confused, so I wanted to see what everyone else experiences.

I myself identify as demisexual biromantic, and I always have people tell me that it's not a real sexuality (typically straight people). They say that being demisexual is the same as being straight, but it really isn't. And then they go on to say that being biromantic is the same as being bisexual, but again, it's not. The difference is that I'll only have sex with either male or female if I have a deep enough connection, which is where the demisexual comes into play.
I just feel like people get an idea in their head from one source and then stick with it, no matter how far from the truth it is. And I'm not the only one whose sexuality gets misconceptualised: I know other ones do. So I just wanted to see what other people's experiences have been.

Deleted user

lots of people say my sexuality is fake, but i know it's not so i don't really care what they think aha

Deleted user

lots of people say my sexuality is fake, but i know it's not so i don't really care what they think aha

i mean im kind of the same, but when they try to shove it in my face that im lying or that im something that im not…i really does irritate me cause they dont know anything

Deleted user

lots of people say my sexuality is fake, but i know it's not so i don't really care what they think aha

i mean im kind of the same, but when they try to shove it in my face that im lying or that im something that im not…i really does irritate me cause they dont know anything

exactly, i don't care whether they believe me or not, thats who i am and either way you are going to have to accept it aha

Deleted user

Well, it's not my sexuality I hear a bunch, as I'm still questioning that, but my gender is hell when it comes to people. I'm a demiboy, which pretty much means that I fall somewhere between masculine and nonbinary.

Deleted user

Well, it's not my sexuality I hear a bunch, as I'm still questioning that, but my gender is hell when it comes to people. I'm a demiboy, which pretty much means that I fall somewhere between masculine and nonbinary.

well i think you are valid <3

Deleted user

Thank you, I have to mostly identify as trans so I don't get harassed.

Deleted user

Thank you, I have to mostly identify as trans so I don't get harassed.

oh no, thats not right in any world, no one should be harassing you for the way you identify.

@HighPockets group

Bi-ace, so it's usually people saying I'm a prude, don't know because I haven't tried it/too young to know (I'm about a year away from being 16 -__-), just trying to be special, or it's because I'm autistic.

Deleted user

Bi-ace, so it's usually people saying I'm a prude, don't know because I haven't tried it/too young to know (I'm about a year away from being 16 -__-), just trying to be special, or it's because I'm autistic.

I'm 16 today, and everyone in my friendship group is part of the community (except one but we all love her).
We're mostly bi I think, but we have a couple aces and one non-binary
I love how we've only just been discovering our sexualities over the course of the year, but we've been friends for so long that it doesn't matter. And even if only one of us was part of the community, we would still see her as a close friend.

I understand how hard it is to go through things without friends, and I'm glad that I have friends who are the same as me.
It's actually hilarious how many LGBTQ+ people there are at my school that fly under the radar (christian independent school).


I'm Homo-Ace and everyone is like -

'How do you know you don't like it if you haven't tRiEd iT'
'You just haven't found the right guy yet'

It really bothers me. I'm in a very happy relationship with someone who has the same sexuality and romantic alignment as me and we have the most stable relationship in the school

EDIT: Oh, and then there are the people who say I don't exist

Deleted user

i'm 15 and everyone says i am only aroace for attention! its so annoying


i'm 15 and everyone says i am only aroace for attention! its so annoying

I know how that feels. I'm 15 too and being ace and/or aro at a younger age, we can so much more hate


i'm 15 and everyone says i am only aroace for attention! its so annoying

I know how that feels. I'm 15 too and being ace and/or aro at a younger age, we can so much more hate


Deleted user

I'm not out as my gender at school, so if I ever get blusy around a girl or a female who is my friend, these idiots say really gross stuff.

Deleted user

I'm not out as my gender at school, so if I ever get blusy around a girl or a female who is my friend, these idiots say really gross stuff.

oh no, thats not good! i feel so bad for you!

Deleted user

i'm 15 and everyone says i am only aroace for attention! its so annoying

I know how that feels. I'm 15 too and being ace and/or aro at a younger age, we can so much more hate

thats why im not out aha

Deleted user

I'm out to my friends: they're the ones that matter to me. I'm partially out to my parents: they know I'm part of the community but not the specifics. I'm not scared to tell them, I just don't think they really need to know.


Me: So I'm pansexual.

My Friend: Yeah, so I'm ace.
(Me, in the Background, Screaming Cuss Words: IT'S NOT A DECISION YOU IGNORANT)

Deleted user

Sup SpiderGwen! What do demisexual and biromantic mean?

demisexual is where you can become sexually attracted to someone only with a really deep connection and biromantic is is like bisexual but with romantic felings instead of sexual..

did i get it right? aha