forum Let's get to know each other better!
Started by @ravens

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I've been on here for some time and while I've grown close with a lot of people, I'm also spotting a lot of new faces! And I'd like to grow new friendships with y'all. <3

So let's share some strange/random/cool stuff about ourselves! 

I do have a few guidelines that I'd like you to keep in mind:

  • Save your hate for the rudeness chat! in this house we make friends, not enemies. 
  • Please, please, please no bee movie scripts (or any other form of spam).
  • Don't feel pressured to give out too much private info. That's not what this chat is for! 
  • Likewise, don't pressure other users to give out their personal info! Tagging other people is A-OK, though, if you do honestly have a question for them.

that's pretty much it, I think, but if you feel uncomfortable with anything anyone posts here, please don't hesitate to say so.

I'll go first I guess lol

in second grade my best friend's family and I dressed up as characters from The Lorax on Halloween. I was a swanee-swan. I still have the costume

Deleted user

I'm giving my girlfriend shit for listening to Billie Eilish as I'm learning a song by her right now


(I'm really tired (although it's not even that late?), so I'm gonna go. Night! <3 see y'all tomorrow)

@Toxic_Persephone group

I’m really into psychology and the psychology begins serial killers. I scare people with my knowledge XD

I also really love comics and love learning things. (I like school for that but I also hate it because of the people in school XD)


This might surprise some people considering how large my imagination is and how easily I get lost in it, but I often have trouble getting myself actually immersed into books/TV, no matter how well written the story is. I started watching BNHA last week and while I like it, I can’t really feel myself in the story, sometimes I even get bored of it.
Whenever I read books I have to get many chapters in before anything starts to feel interesting, before then I just feel like I’m reading the words on the back of a shampoo bottle.
And this wasn’t always the case, I used to get sucked in to these forms of entertainment really easily, but now they’re just kinda… There. (Am I making any sense?)

But If a dog dies in a story I’m gonna cry no matter what

@HighPockets group

This might surprise some people considering how large my imagination is and how easily I get lost in it, but I often have trouble getting myself actually immersed into books/TV, no matter how well written the story is. I started watching BNHA last week and while I like it, I can’t really feel myself in the story, sometimes I even get bored of it.
Whenever I read books I have to get many chapters in before anything starts to feel interesting, before then I just feel like I’m reading the words on the back of a shampoo bottle.
And this wasn’t always the case, I used to get sucked in to these forms of entertainment really easily, but now they’re just kinda… There. (Am I making any sense?)

But If a dog dies in a story I’m gonna cry no matter what

Same, I can go for weeks without watching tv or movies, and even reading new books sometimes.

@HighPockets group

I don't cry in movies, the closest come to crying is when Leia showed up at the end of Rogue One, and that was because we saw it the day after Carrie Fisher's death.