forum Just...*everything*
Started by @bubblegum

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which is also why I'm a little anxious to go to my friend's end of year party which has a pool, she keeps saying she'll push me in or something but mia's going so it'll probably be fine


no it's a fear of deep water, so basically if it could potentially cover my face or a majority of my body I say no. it also just makes me anxious whenever i'm near even tiny bodies of water like pools

OOoooooh Ok thanks for sharing


In that case….. NEW METAPHOR….
You know some times in life you hit really big walls with perfectly smooth surface and some times you just have to pick up a sharp pointy object like sarcasm and climb to the top of the wall using nothing but the sharpness of your wit… And I'd say you're excelling


Indigo Teal ' Scarlet / Lavender Orange White Kryptonite Electric Yellow / Red Electric Amber Lavender Lavender Yellow / Electric Amber Scarlet Yellow

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Indigo/ Amber Gold Red Electric Electric!/ Pine Electric Orange Pine Lavender Electric/ Scarlet Honey Orange Ultra Lavender Denim/ Pine Indigo Cyan Kryptonite/ Teal Honey Indigo Scarlet/ Ultra Pine!

@soupnana group

Uh, hi. Imma just pop in and say that you are an amazing person Loops. You are beautiful and confident and no one can tell you otherwise, so just do what you feel like and just tell those haters to suck it cause they can if they are bringing you down.
Also, no hablo crayon…. like, huh?

@soupnana group

Indigo/ Amber Mahogany/ Maroon Amber Kryptonite Indigo Night Gold/ Indigo Teal/ Ultra Pine/ Teal Hot Orange Ultra Gold Hombre.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Indigo/ Scarlet Electric Electric./ White Electric Lavender Lavender,/ Teal Honey Electric Red Electric/ Indigo Scarlet/ Amber Navy/ Orange Fuschia Fuschia Indigo Cyan Indigo Amber Lavender/ Lavender Indigo Scarlet Teal/ Orange Fuschia/ Cyan Orange Lavender Orange Red Scarlet/ Teal Orange/ Ultra Scarlet Electric./ Lavender Orange Orange Kryptonite/ Ultra Pine/ "The World of Crayola Colors."