forum Just...*everything*
Started by @bubblegum

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For instance:
-I'm dating a wonderful and amazing girl named Mia but my anxiety and doubt is making me second-guess the entire thing despite constant reassurements from her. I also feel like I'm being annoying.
-It's finals week…I have a social studies project where we design a country, for one. One member of my group is making the others annoyed and they're not exactly filtering themselves and I don't know how to tell them kindly to stop. I also have a physics final and science and a paper roller coaster project…this one sexist guy in my group won't. shut. up. And I have a math final which I lost my textbook to study for.
-I hate and fear my parents with the hate and fear of a thousand cosmoses. They are always either screaming at me or ignoring me and there's no in between. I don't exactly enjoy it.
-I feel like I'm eating too much junk and basically not feeling acceptable enough. Like, I don't get cold easily so I wore overalls today (it was kinda cold) and when we had a fire drill outside a lot of people were talking about me and how I should also shave my legs and I'm like stooooooooooooooooooop
-I have, like, zero food for lunch. My dad barely puts anything in and I don't have school lunch money to buy anything else, so I basically rely on my friends for food or snacks throughout the school day.
-I basically feel like I'm letting everyone down
-I have this constant, constant urge to do everything - like, have experience in everything. I want to do search-and-rescue while also being a theatre performer, I want to be a paramedic who also costume designs and songwrites, I want to be a teacher who does Indy racing.

Despite all this, I'm getting along just fine, actually.

Deleted user

I feel you Loops.. maybe not in all the same ways, but I get the pressure in so many different ways..


Thank you honestly
I don't really feel that special at school or at home because you know, no one tells me that ever, except Mia, she tells me I'm amazing a lot but I don't really feel like one so thank you

Deleted user

You are amazing!! And seriously, you're not alone with the pressure bit!!

Deleted user

oh my god thank ya'll
idk if it makes it better or worse if i tell you this but I'm

Yeah, you've got it better handled than me, (Is around 3ish yrs older)

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

oh my god thank ya'll
idk if it makes it better or worse if i tell you this but I'm

I'm a pile of emotions and whatnot, and I'm about 4 years older than you. Accept it, you have superpowers besides the electricity, Electroloops


lol okay I guess
I like to listen to really pumped boss songs and strut down the school halls and get things done y'know like I may be small but I'm gonna get into the air force faster than your six foot son will ever get into college karen


Listen… You. Got. This. WHen life gets you down you know what you gotta do…
And Loops You are doing a great job at swimming you're out there doing the 500 Fly Like.A.Boss.

Deleted user

yeyeyeye honestly this site is a gift from god



I mean you could be doing fly in a very shallow small pool… is that how thalassaphobia works, sorry I'm not trying to be insensitive just trying to be informed


no it's a fear of deep water, so basically if it could potentially cover my face or a majority of my body I say no. it also just makes me anxious whenever i'm near even tiny bodies of water like pools