forum @Jensen-rs Contest Entry Please
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people_alt 3 followers


Ah I see. I wasn't getting that because I was the one who wrote it. Thank you for the descriptive feedback though. That helped a lot with my confusion actually.

Deleted user

Oh, ok! I'm glad you aren't angry, and I'm so excited to see the results of this whole thing!


No it's fine. I'm glad I was given constructive criticism with a suggestion to fix it. I need to take advantage of that Sharing and Critiquing forum at some point. Oh well. Thank you both again though.

Deleted user

Hi! @Jensen-rs did you get the chance to judge with some people? If not, that's cool!

Deleted user

Oh shoot, I forgot! People were taking tests after school and me and my friends got distracted, but I'll message them now!

Deleted user

No, but I'm getting some friends together to help. It should be done by tonight, hopefully.

Deleted user

Did your friends agree to help judge? :)