forum Is it just me, or is Notebook feeling dead?
Started by @Null-Gravity language

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@Null-Gravity language

Lately, I've been noticing nobody I knew is online much anymore. As a matter of fact, even some older users seem to be slowly disappearing from the site. I was just curious if anybody else has been seeing this too, or if it's just due to how little I'm even online that Notebook feels dead.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

It has been a little slow but I want to attribute that to the fact that some may not have as easy access to computers, wifi, or good internet connection because school hasn't started. Others… work could just be extra demanding right now… or something along those lines. Obviously, I don't know any of this for certain but it's what I think when things get slow.

@Null-Gravity language

I'd like to as well but even then, I have slow internet and a quite unpredictable schedule due to online courses myself. It's hard not to take note of the fact that there's a lack of much, if any activity throughout the day like there used to be.

@Null-Gravity language

Not to say you're not wrong, of course. I do understand outside circumstances are always at play in these scenarios. But the atmosphere within Notebook just feels muted and colorless most of the day.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Hi, older user here

I think, especially with the older users (i can't say for sure with the younger ones), that a lot of us are drifting a little more away from the discussion boards or are prioritizing rp threads with people we know, either in the PMs or on discord. That, and like Fanfic said, school and/or work also plays a major role in the activity trends within notebook. it usually gets a little more busy when school starts up because then more people are online and have a stable schedule to work around. nb's activity levels kinda fluctuate throughout the year

@Cackla-the-Phantasma group

As a newer user (joined only 10 months ago and just started using forums a week ago), I feel like I’ve joined a party that goes into hibernation most of the time, explodes in activity sometimes, goes back into dormancy, and if we’re lucky gets a moderately sized traffic of discussions around the time when School/Work’s dismissed.
I’m not complaining or anything, it just feels like I’ve joined at the wrong time if judging what happened 1 to 2 years ago.


ive been here since i believe jan 2018 and WOW things seem so quiet now! i just logged in to check around for old times sake and my goodness. i think the og userbase is probably aging out of it too


WINTER wow hi!!
i'd say i lurk too but i don't think logging in twice a year nearly qualifies LOL


Yeah I agree, it was a bit different back in the 2017/18 time when people were in highschool and had a lot less responsibilities but as we grew up, life changed and many of us just found things more important than being super active jn a website.

That's not to say that I don't miss my friends and partners in Rp, I would go back to that time in a heartbeat but I personally have too much of a routine to be able to stay online for hours on end just chatting or Rping with friends


Yeah I agree, it was a bit different back in the 2017/18 time when people were in highschool and had a lot less responsibilities but as we grew up, life changed and many of us just found things more important than being super active jn a website.

That's not to say that I don't miss my friends and partners in Rp, I would go back to that time in a heartbeat but I personally have too much of a routine to be able to stay online for hours on end just chatting or Rping with friends

for sure!
i have so many fond memories but i’ll be honest i don’t quite miss who i was back then haha. i guess being 12/13’ll do that for you 💀


Hello dearest Ravens 😂 how have you been?

not too bad! i graduated high school in 23 and honestly haven’t done much since (no school or work yet). mostly i just work on sewing projects and help out around the house. i also don’t write much anymore EXCEPT i did break out of my slump last summer to write an ofmd fic which i consider to be an accomplishment!
what have you been up to??

@Eli-the-transboi group

honestly yeah stuffs been dead. at least to me. I remember when I had so many notebook notifications. and now it seems so quiet. may just be all the people I was talking to either left or dont log on anymore. meh idk.

@RhysTheFirebird group

Oh, wow

I've noticed it too TvT
Had a few really good RP's going and then people started dropping like flies
I did to, tbh, and now I found another RP site, this one got pushed a little.

It's a lot harder without push notifications, and reminders.

I will say, I try to check as often as I can, but with most of the people I RP's with gone or barely active, I'm kinda the same way

@Eli-the-transboi group

Oh, wow

I've noticed it too TvT
Had a few really good RP's going and then people started dropping like flies
I did to, tbh, and now I found another RP site, this one got pushed a little.

It's a lot harder without push notifications, and reminders.

I will say, I try to check as often as I can, but with most of the people I RP's with gone or barely active, I'm kinda the same way

I second this-