I was ridiculously overactive on here back in 2019-2021 when this place was absolutely bustling (as bustling as it ever got) and couldn't manage to get back into my old account (I think my username was something like emmylove or something anxiety related maybe) but wanted to check in and see if there's still any activity around here since I basically grew up on this website. Looks a little more empty than I remember. Does anyone still use this?
Hi. Emmylove sounds like a familiar name but I can't remember if we actually interacted before… either way it's nice to hear of someone coming back to this site.
Waves. I joined in late 2021, so I doubt we know each other. But, I’m one of the three moderators on here. (The others are andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) himself and EldritchHorror-Davadio).
It has gotten pretty quiet here. There’s a couple chats that are still active, but they only have select folks in them. Some rps are still going as well, but it’s on/off. This is the quietest I’ve ever seen it since joining, so… yeah… At the moment, I mostly lurk and catch spam/ad bots, and occasionally reply to one of the few rps I’m in when I can. But, I check in daily to see what’s going on.
I found my old account, @Simon-Says! I did used to be @Emmylove and then @Anxiety, lol times were so different. Your username feels super familiar to me as well so I think we must've existed in the general vicinity of each other at least if we didn't directly interact. I've been thinking about checking in for a while, it's super cool to find old chats and remember what I was getting into!
Waves. I joined in late 2021, so I doubt we know each other. But, I’m one of the three moderators on here. (The others are andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) himself and EldritchHorror-Davadio).
It has gotten pretty quiet here. There’s a couple chats that are still active, but they only have select folks in them. Some rps are still going as well, but it’s on/off. This is the quietest I’ve ever seen it since joining, so… yeah… At the moment, I mostly lurk and catch spam/ad bots, and occasionally reply to one of the few rps I’m in when I can. But, I check in daily to see what’s going on.
Hiii! I don't think I've been on here since 2021 but it feels so nice to know people were/are(?) still finding notebook! Just looking around at recent chats it seems so much quieter than I remember, it was definitely a minute-by-minute refresh the page situation when I was active. Very comforting to see people still around though and great to meet you!
I found my old account, @Simon-Says! I did used to be @Emmylove and then @Anxiety, lol times were so different. Your username feels super familiar to me as well so I think we must've existed in the general vicinity of each other at least if we didn't directly interact. I've been thinking about checking in for a while, it's super cool to find old chats and remember what I was getting into!
Simon-Says also sounds very familiar. Maybe we’ve followed each other’s rps or something.
Hiii! I don't think I've been on here since 2021 but it feels so nice to know people were/are(?) still finding notebook! Just looking around at recent chats it seems so much quieter than I remember, it was definitely a minute-by-minute refresh the page situation when I was active. Very comforting to see people still around though and great to meet you!
Great to meet you as well. New people still drift in, but most are lurkers. It only started really quieting down this year. Though, since 2022-ish (I may be wrong), the activity has been slowly decreasing.
Joined in 2018, I was also super active on here in the early years of the pandemic. My life kinda went crazy after that and my activity on this site decreased considerably, and it has been difficult to get back into it even tho I desperately want to. I definitely relate to the whole “refresh the page every 5 minutes” deal. I miss a lot of the rps I used to be apart of, and I’m a little sad that the users I used to love rping with aren’t around much anymore (i totally understand that life gets busy tho, no hard feelings)
I found my old account, @Simon-Says! I did used to be @Emmylove and then @Anxiety, lol times were so different. Your username feels super familiar to me as well so I think we must've existed in the general vicinity of each other at least if we didn't directly interact. I've been thinking about checking in for a while, it's super cool to find old chats and remember what I was getting into!
I remember you! A lot of the elders just chill. We just lurk.
Hi Winter I remember you! Lurking is so real it's nice to just check in and see how things are going. I miss all the RP and other writing stuff we used to do but I definitely remember it being hard to keep up with. Need to find something to get back into regular easy creative writing!
Completely understandable. We just vibe lol.
(> I found my old account, @Simon-Says!)
(Yo welcome back, and yeah not much going on anymore unfortunately)
I've been on here since 2018 I think? But this is a newer account 😆
I do remember you though! Don't think we interacted a lot
Hey y’all, I was really active here during 2018-2020. This just randomly popped into my head so I figured I’d check it out and it’s sad that it’s not as bustling as it used to be. And I agree with you guys about refreshing every 5 minutes. I was definitely a victim of that
I think I vaguely remember you! It may have been in passing though. Can you remember what threads you used to be involved in?
The way I would hide my phone under my desk during class to spam refresh and respond to people cause I was so into this website, it was my whole life for like my entire high school career.
If you didn't have a "refresh every two minutes to see if they responded" phase, were you even on Notebook?
I found my old account, @Simon-Says! I did used to be @Emmylove and then @Anxiety, lol times were so different. Your username feels super familiar to me as well so I think we must've existed in the general vicinity of each other at least if we didn't directly interact. I've been thinking about checking in for a while, it's super cool to find old chats and remember what I was getting into!
The memory whiplash I got reading that was insane
Dude it's so wild to see you back Jacks. What whiplash lol.
Boo! It's my bitch ass! I torture people on Tumblr now :D
That's so valid. For some reason I could also see you being a menace on Reddit. That tracks.
Still a writer, still the angst queen
Lost my gender somewhere along the way idk where it went and my sexuality went "Yeah you know how you've felt kinda eh about everyone so you've slapped the bi label on yourself since you were 12? Well you've had two relationships now that have made you wanna throw up out of anxiety so how about we stop that"
I do gay shit and fanfiction :P
Valid. I'm a screenwriter now, which seemed like a good idea at the time, but there are days where I want to throw things because nothing seems to be working. But alas, that's the double edge to it, eh?
this place used to be way more active in like 2019, what happened?
(a lotta things used to be more active in 2019 💀)
you know what, true
i kind of miss it…