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@Chris the indifferent

Hello Midnightwarrior and hello forgedindarkness. And hello Daisy to answer your question I read just about everything but more fiction then anything thing else because I can relate to characters being out of place and their past I can almost always find something to relate to.


Meep. I'm trying to write a lil something something on here. Thought I'd give it a shot

Ok are you gonna post it on here?

Deleted user

Hello Midnightwarrior and hello forgedindarkness. And hello Daisy to answer your question I read just about everything but more fiction then anything thing else because I can relate to characters being out of place and their past I can almost always find something to relate to.

That’s nice, and Daisy isn’t my name, call me Kylee please, if that’s to much Xcnx4 (my gamer tag)could work

@The-Magician group

I'm just here. Been through a lot for a 16 year old teenage boy. Used to read all the time to escape reality… Now I read very seldomly. I might try and write something. I don't really know yet. I don't know about a lot of things but oh well.

Welcome Chris! Sorry I didn't say 'hi' before. It's great to have you with us!


Good evening! I go by Davie here. I am currently making a world for an animated series I plan on starting soon. Well, as soon as I finally get down all of my characters and their storylines. I came here to organize my OCs, but I am still in the process of finishing them. If you would like to ask them any questions, feel free to do that! I find that being interrogated in this way is quite helpful to me in the process of developing my original characters. Have a nice day!


Good evening! I go by Davie here. I am currently making a world for an animated series I plan on starting soon. Well, as soon as I finally get down all of my characters and their storylines. I came here to organize my OCs, but I am still in the process of finishing them. If you would like to ask them any questions, feel free to do that! I find that being interrogated in this way is quite helpful to me in the process of developing my original characters. Have a nice day!

Heloo Davie!

@The-Magician group

Good evening! I go by Davie here. I am currently making a world for an animated series I plan on starting soon. Well, as soon as I finally get down all of my characters and their storylines. I came here to organize my OCs, but I am still in the process of finishing them. If you would like to ask them any questions, feel free to do that! I find that being interrogated in this way is quite helpful to me in the process of developing my original characters. Have a nice day!

Welcome Davie! I'll be sure to think of some questions to ask ^-^

@Chris the indifferent

Alright heres what I have done so far in my writing. It's not the best and is a rough draft for what will eventually be the best book ever written by a kid named Chris. Lol be honest no matter how harsh it is I'll appreciate the feedback. And yeah I got inspiration from Rick Riordan.
Title: Chistophoros and the Gods

Hello there. My name is Steven King. Yes, that Steven King. Nahh! I'm just kidding. I'm a nobody named Christophoros Jackson. My friends call me Christoph for short and just Chris to shorten that up. Well I mean that is if I had friends. You see I wasn't kidding when I said I'm a nobody. No one at my school or no one in general seems to like me. It also doesn't help matters that I have a very abnormal first name just because my mother supposedly wanted to give me a Greek name because of my father. Whoever the bastard happens to be. I should also mention my mother is a single mom who's boyfriend just happened to leave without a trace while my mother was asleep one morning. Eh, I guess I should let you know what I look like. Im about average size for a 16 year old teenage boy. I'm around 5'8 and weigh around 153 pounds. I have brownish black hair with blueish grey and green eyes. God, my eyes, how I hate them. I wish my eyes would just pick a color and stay that color. I hate when they change to so many different colors of blue. Like all the raging Waters in the world are fighting in my eyes. But yea I'm just the guy in school that just can't catch a break. Right now I'm laying down in my bed. That is if you'd like to call it a bed. It's a worn out blown up mattress in a small bedroom that is just the one of two bedrooms in this old small apartment in Manhattan, New York. It's about one in the morning right now. I'd love be asleep right now but I can't for some reason. Normally I'm passed out by ten but not tonight.

@The-Magician group

Hey, I’m Maitimo. I joined like one minute ago. But I’m so excited to be able to organize my worlds and write here!

Welcome Maitimo! It's great to have you here!