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Who is your favorite original avenger and are you on team cap or iron man during civil war

Just the originals!! I’d have to say iron man or Hawkeye.
Ironman or cap?? I’m team guardians of the galaxy.
Jk I can’t decide😫

M (Toasty Giraffe Animal Cracker)

Well thank you and just to let you know I am not the Loki you are thinking of I am his twin sister Loki I am sometimes called Loki but I am known as Lexi

Maybe you should change your user to Lexi so you can stop explaining this to everyone

Well I would but I like to confuses you Mortals and it is funny to watch you midgardians think I am the real Loki

WEEELLLLLL…You've kind of said that you're not actually Loki enough to let everybody know.


Hey guys, I'm Aaliyah. I found this website while trying to figure out how to get my visual novel series started. It's a story I've been doing off and on for about two years now and I'm hoping that using this site will be a step in the right direction for me to try to seriously work on it.


Who is your favorite original avenger and are you on team cap or iron man during civil war

I like the original avenger and I am on the Revengers

Deleted user

I’m being a regular human just floating around notebook because I have nothing better to do.