forum Introduce your OC!!
Started by @ふぃん

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Thank you so much! I love her too and will add more onto her later on when I feel a have a better feel of what I want this character to be.


@Eli Your OC reminds of Nico Di Angelo actually!! Or, what he'd be like if he'd never time traveled and had grown up in his own time. (I sincerely hope that isn't offensive, to say your OC reminds of a popular character; I myself have had so many OCs inspired off my fav characters so I don't mean it as an insult and I hope it doesn't come off that way.) Love the tattoo detail!

@Claw_The_Veni Definitely sounds like a Mary Sue, if you don't mind me saying ^^ But I understand that's his job, as someone who basically seems to qualify as God in this plethora of universes of yours.

@Ash ,’) I meant to say this earlier but Charlie seems like a super interesting character! I always have a fondness for traumatized characters, it's super interesting to see them grow and overcome their past and I always root for them :)

Thank you!! Its nice of you to say that ^-^


Name: Lillith (usually called Lilly)
Like 4'9 for real. Has really pretty forest green eyes,
Likes girly things like pastel colors and sparkly stuff.
Shes a bit emotional but tries her best not to be.
Is bullied and teased about her height and for being so much more smart then everyone
Has like 5 friends
Loves rain, snow, and her friends probably too much
Self-conscious af

Name: Grant
Crazy dirty blonde hair and brown eyes
Crushing hard core on Lilly
Is really good at cooking but hates doing it.
"Fight me"
Plays video games all day
Has a bit of a temper

My children ^^


@Eli Your OC reminds of Nico Di Angelo actually!! Or, what he'd be like if he'd never time traveled and had grown up in his own time. (I sincerely hope that isn't offensive, to say your OC reminds of a popular character; I myself have had so many OCs inspired off my fav characters so I don't mean it as an insult and I hope it doesn't come off that way.) Love the tattoo detail!

@Claw_The_Veni Definitely sounds like a Mary Sue, if you don't mind me saying ^^ But I understand that's his job, as someone who basically seems to qualify as God in this plethora of universes of yours.

@Ash ,’) I meant to say this earlier but Charlie seems like a super interesting character! I always have a fondness for traumatized characters, it's super interesting to see them grow and overcome their past and I always root for them :)

Thank you so much, no insult :) I love Nico and always identified with him


Btw I have no clue who Mary Sue is… :/ Also while he may qualify as the power level of God in many different idea's; but Gods can't die. And Claw has a set life span that once that's gone he dies…


btw a Mary Sue is a character who seems overpowered or way too special. But what's the problem with your character?


btw a Mary Sue is a character who seems overpowered or way too special. But what's the problem with your character?

I guess for me it was the combo of 'unbeatable' and 'overpowered', and on top of that he's not a even a villain as he's described as 'kind'. There's basically no flaws in his character, which in itself is a flaw in development. I hope that,,, doesn't come off as too harsh and makes sense. (I used to write only the most perfect characters and they came off very generic, and it's something I've improved a lot in over the years and thus I tend to notice it in other people's writing/work.)

@Claw_The_Veni Sure, hit us with your questions! Or would you rather be messaged privately?


@Claw_The_Veni I'm glad! Also I'm so sorry but I can't seem to find how to message you privately, help me please??

Click on the user and go to the profile, there should be a 'private message' option


@Dragoncita I love LOVE that your Princess retains her horns/tail/forked tongue in her human form, a nice little twist on the usual trope. Her always choosing 'flight' shows a side of cowardice, a good flaw for her to grow and develop out of/on (depending on where your story goes). The fact that her favorite weapons are her natural parts shows she isn't afraid of close combat or getting dirty, another interesting aspect for a princess. Since she has this strong sort of immunity, is she impossible to kill? Clearly her mother died of SOMETHING, meaning the immunity is not flawless, which I sincerely hope it isn't. Some things to think about: does she have any of her OWN motivations? Not something she inherited form her mother, or something she's doing for someone else, but rather a purely selfish (not necessarily in a bad way) goal she's working towards? Does she have any specific fears, clearly she's a self-preserving type with the 'flight' reaction but maybe be more specific?
Like you said, clearly a WIP, but the foundation is good!


@Dragoncita Okay so your prince! A little contradictory, that his pride is a huge weakness and that yet he's possibly willing to bend over for his father, as this is his motivation. Maybe go more in depth here? Sweet that he's kind to his sister, shows a likeable part of him that perhaps makes it easier to root for him. I assume his protectiveness of her stems from having been unable to save his own mother, and therefor it's a sort of projectance? Interesting details for his powers/abilities, are there any limits to his power? How long before he burns out? Anything his abilities don't affect? Is his emotional state connected to his ability to fight? He also seems a tad overpowered, simply because of the lack of info on weakness and limits to power.
Room for development, a WIP, but also good so far! A very interesting notion for both of the siblings.


I have another oc ;))

Hana Chi
Black hair, just past her ears
Blue/brown eyes (blue center, brown outside)
Has undignosed dyslexia
Hana is an only child, born in the Tokai distrect. Very social, and made friends easy. Didn't do very well in school, due to undignosed Dyslexia. Always tried to do well, but always had at least two failed subjects. Her Father always whipped her with a belt when this happened. Always apologized and gave her love. One day she had enough and ran to the forest where Slender found and took in Hana. She is how Charlies partner, and each others best friend.


Name Shiro Akuma(His name means Gentleman Devil) power: gore. I wanted at least a couple of OCS with a heck of a confusing power sO Get ConfuSed. and aka I don't know how to use this app yeT but Ill get there uwu. Shiro is able to manipulate blood at his will inside or outside the victim's body. His best friends are Aiya and Genki! when he kills a victim he will absorb all the blood out of that person storing it for later. He is 26 years old while AIya is 28 and Genki is 27. so he's the youngest out of the 3 friend groups. but he's the most powerful out of all of them. Techniques he currently has learned to control and use at his will are:
1: Six eyes 2: Blood creation 3: Veli 4: Black abyss 5: mist 6: touch. Touch is the most powerful one he can only use it 2 times a day before having to take a break. If he is activating touch his eyes will turn completely black if he touches you, you'll explode dying in the process. Hair Color: white. Eye Color: grey. he also wears glasses. okay that's all I got .w.