forum Introduce your OC!!
Started by @ふぃん

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Charlot (Charlie)
Average brown hair and eyes
Wears a black jacket, blue jeans, tshirts, and boots. She also wears latex gloves and a surgical mask (OCD)
Is 21 years old
Struggles with OCD
Was adopted from south amarica from her mom and dad, tan skin and is actually pretty average looking. Her best friend, Nikolas, pressured her into becoming a slender proxy. She thought it was bullcrap so she gave in. Sense this is a thing no one else is supposted to see,, slender killed Nick and made Charlie become his proxy. She has been his proxy sense she was eightteen, and is now twentyone.

Is from the creepypasta/slenderverse fandom


(Hope I'm allowed to introduce two at a time)

Hogwarts OCs! :)

Haydn. Cis male. Gryffindor. Half-blood.
Sandy blond curls and straight nose, dark grey eyes, brilliant smile. Caucasian.
Adores the color pink, and reflects it with his wardrobe choice when not in school robes. Kinda tall and kinda broad, a bit on the beefy side. Gets his braces off ("FINALLY") in sixth year.
Gets the Prefect position and is so unbelievably happy and honored.
Haydn is kind and humble, and many would call him the "ideal Gryffindor" with his strong sense of duty, and quick thinking and protectiveness when faced with a dangerous situation.
Crushing soooo hard on Aquila.

Aquila. Trans female. Slytherin. Nearly (nearly) pure-blood.
Black curls with faded sides, piercing brown eyes, light freckles, lips constantly painted a subtle red. British-Nigerian. Prefers silk tops and knee-length skirts, white, silver and soft pink dominating her color scheme.
Gets Prefect (everyone saw it coming).
A high-achiever, Aquila sets goals and reaches them. Things rarely don't go her way, and when they don't she adapts and efficiently finds a solution. Has a bit of a complex about her blood status, what with her family being new money and never quite fitting in with the other pure-bloods, but over the years she learns how little it matters. Very logical and straight-forward, blunt, doesn't treats others badly but rather accordingly (or so she claims).
Noticed Haydn when he was in third year and she was in fourth year and has been incredibly smitten ever since.


Um I would love to introduce my character but I don't want to feel like a douche and I'm not even sure if he counts as an OC or any of my characters


My character is Nero De Luca
cis male
He's Italian, from Sicily, but he emigrated to America in like 1955.
Black hair, Dark brown eyes, pale skin.
He's a virgo, shy, weary but very intelligent, able to notice the tiniest detail. It's very hard for him to express emotion, which is made more difficult by the fact that he's gay. (very scary for a 16 yr. old immigrant in 1950….)
He's Christian, has a tattoo of an angel on his upper back


Again idk if he's an oc since he's not really based on a story or anything like that. He's involved in a lot of stories though.


Claw Scythe
He can be anywhere from 15 to 109837097784324907873249078349347868734298563746324987674 human years old
He's an inter dimensional AND inter universal being that is unbeatable (Not unkillable just unbeatable) and his job is to police stories and make sure they don't bleed into each other. His main role is to be an Over powered character to beat/kill Over powered characters. For instance one punch man.
He's generally very kind…. and i think that's all I can think of off the top of my head, thoughts and/or questions?


@Eli Your OC reminds of Nico Di Angelo actually!! Or, what he'd be like if he'd never time traveled and had grown up in his own time. (I sincerely hope that isn't offensive, to say your OC reminds of a popular character; I myself have had so many OCs inspired off my fav characters so I don't mean it as an insult and I hope it doesn't come off that way.) Love the tattoo detail!

@Claw_The_Veni Definitely sounds like a Mary Sue, if you don't mind me saying ^^ But I understand that's his job, as someone who basically seems to qualify as God in this plethora of universes of yours.

@Ash ,’) I meant to say this earlier but Charlie seems like a super interesting character! I always have a fondness for traumatized characters, it's super interesting to see them grow and overcome their past and I always root for them :)


@Becfromthedead Aaahhh that is indeed a good boy! I got a really good feel of him with how much detail you put into his profile, seems like a good, flawed character who makes stupid mistakes but grows, my favorite kind!! <3
(I love your username so much btw)

@Becfromthedead group

@Becfromthedead Aaahhh that is indeed a good boy! I got a really good feel of him with how much detail you put into his profile, seems like a good, flawed character who makes stupid mistakes but grows, my favorite kind!! <3
(I love your username so much btw)

Hahah thank you! I've been working on him for a long time, got him critiqued, and I guess his profile is presentable now. (Also my friends helped me come up with this username, so credit goes to them for being amazing and hilarious.)

@Becfromthedead group

He looks really cool! My only suggestion would be maybe add some more specific traits under his personality because MBTI doesn't cover all that much, and is better for a basic idea. Would you mind explaining a little bit about the universe you created? I'm interested.


@TheLavenderOwl Yooooooo he's?? Really relatable?? For me. I too am anxious and shy and have blue skin
Very detailed, I especially appreciate that because you're a premium member you can add things as specific as language and species and just. Well-rounded profile :O

@Becfromthedead group

Thanks! I feel really dense for asking this, but what specifically about the universe?

I'm not sure, actually. Just some lore, I guess. How do things work differently there? What genre would you say it falls under?


@Joneathan Yo your girl Jane is cute! Love the added sections about Clothes and Mental State, the former is a good set of details to add. She sounds lovely and kinda badass (with her job description and all).