forum In which I make updates about trying to pull my first all nighter
Started by @Pickles group

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@Pickles group

So I don't have school tomorrow, and I'm severely behind on NaNoWriMo, so I'm trying to stay up as late as possible and catch up as much as I can. Currently I'm 2000 something words behind. I've been told to go to bed by my parents, so I'm waiting for them to fall asleep so I can go downstairs and type on the computer instead of my tablet. Or maybe I'll just stay up here. If I don't, I'll probably fall asleep downstairs and I don't want that to happen. I have to leave my house at one, and my dad's probably going to wake me up at, like, 10. Exciting -.- I have had one cup of coffee and it's 10:48 pm. My cat's being a real pain but I don't have the heart to throw her out of my room cause I'm her favorite and we haven't gotten to play with each other recently

@Pickles group

11:58. In a sudden burst of energy, I wrote some. It's trash, but it's words. I've written over 2000 today, according to the website. This is what coffee does to me

@Pickles group

12:10. I'm shaking and I can't focus. I'm going to to bed. Consider this a fail :(
Well this just means I can get up even earlier to write