forum IMPORTANT: For those of you who have Instagram
Started by @Moxie group

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@Moxie group

I mean even if it’s fake, what’s the harm? The admin said they’re fine with people unfollowing them after New Years, which is in two days.


Well, the person who faked the letter ended up refunding everyone's money, so it's not as bad as it seems. Just saying that real quick. Also, I guess there's no harm, it just really feels fake, no mom is actually that much of a jerk. Even if I was queer I'm pretty sure my (Very Catholic, Right-winged) mother would treat me just the same, she might not be 100% supportive but she would never say anything mean to me or make impossible promises, and she'd make an effort to learn pronouns. (Which would fail most of the time but she has trouble getting my name right, so I'd go easy on her) So yeah, I dunno…


My older brother, on the other hand, would think I've lost my mind and am turning into a pile of cringe. But then again he already thinks that of me, apparently liking Vocaloid and preferring Japanese art supplies makes you a weeb. I have watched maybe two animes.

@Moxie group

Well personally, if I ever come out to my parents I know they will never look at me the same again. I also know that countless lgbtq+ youth have been kicked out of their homes in America. I don’t know the exact number, but I know that it’s high. So some parents can actually be like that. Quite a few actually.


Yes there are many piece of shit parents who would assault their children or kick them out. There are many parents who abuse their children for no reason at all and even more who do to their lgbtq+ children. Plenty of parents are that much of jerks.

Deleted user

Yes there are many piece of shit parents who would assault their children or kick them out. There are many parents who abuse their children for no reason at all and even more who do to their lgbtq+ children. Plenty of parents are that much of jerks.


My father is homophobic and misunderstanding of trans and queer men and women (or in between, I’m not judging) that he outright disrespects them. When my parents found out I was dating my (ex) girlfriend he simply couldn't accept that I was. My MOM told me that, by the way. He himself couldn’t tell me.
Also, a trans man (who Iove so much, she’s so sassy) rides my bus and has completely shifted over in her gender. My dad has repeatedly disrespected her by asking me, “If she’s taking estrogen pills/gotten surgery”.

So yes, even if it wasn’t directed towards MYSELF I still had discrimination in the LGBTQ+ community.

So you know what, fuck off. Who cares if it’s faked? It’s still wonderful to see a whole community come together for someone.

Deleted user

I mean… If I came out I would be kicked out onto the streets and left for dead…


I'm actually one of the few people I know that has loving and accepting parents. I came out to them multiple times, basically updating them as I found out more about myself. Not once did they invalidate or abuse me for it. They never threatened me or kicked me out. They still love me and treat me just the same.
But I know…

I am the exception.

I don't have the luxury to live in whatever fantasy land you believe this world to be, NutElla. Your parents may be like mine, accepting and compassionate, but understand that parents like that are a rarity, not a commonality. At least not in this world.


That’s true. I’ve always been accepted by my parents since I came out to them when I was eleven. They didn’t really question me and I didn’t bring it up a lot, but I’m eternally greatful for their exceptence that is not the most common thing.


I'm actually one of the few people I know that has loving and accepting parents. I came out to them multiple times, basically updating them as I found out more about myself. Not once did they invalidate or abuse me for it. They never threatened me or kicked me out. They still love me and treat me just the same.
But I know…

I am the exception.

I don't have the luxury to live in whatever fantasy land you believe this world to be, NutElla. Your parents may be like mine, accepting and compassionate, but understand that parents like that are a rarity, not a commonality. At least not in this world.

Well maybe it’s just because I live in the country and don’t see many people, but I have not once seen a single example of that happening. I’m not saying it doesn’t happen, I’ve just never seen it. I’m not trying to be rude or disrespectful, so please don’t think that.

Deleted user

I'm sorry to tell you this, but you did. MM said NO NEGATIVITY yet you rolled up in here with it.