forum IMPORTANT: For those of you who have Instagram
Started by @Moxie group

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@Moxie group

I just thought I should share.
I found this account on instagram through a friend. The person who made he account is trying to get 20k followers and if they do, their mom will use their preferred pronouns (they/them). You all can decide for yourself how real it is, but I thought this was worth sharing for those of you who have Instagram. The account is 20transteen

If you don’t agree with this, please don’t post anything negative on this chat. I’m just trying to signal boost this.


That's… Not quite as dark as I was expecting to hear (my brain sees the word "important" and immediately thinks either junk mail or funerals). I'm not sure why their mom chose to wait till that amount (almost seems like something someone would lie about for attention)…? But it's for a good cause so I'll believe it. I would follow them but I don't have an Instagram yet. I'm hoping to get one soon.

@Moxie group

They showed a text conversation from their mom confirming it and they said they don’t care if people stop following after New Years (the date they have to get the followers). Again, you can decide for yourself whether this is real or not, I just thought I’d spread the word.


YES!!! I said that exactly like three seconds after they got to 20,000 I was just sitting there refreshing the page and watching them slowly get there!!


Ha I'm just looking at the mom's response 'Fine if you get 20k followers on a new account by New Years. Which is impossible BTW. I will consider it.' NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH THE POWER OF QUEER!


I've seen many instances of queer people who lied about homophobia to get attention, for example, one time a go-fund-me page was started after a gay person decorated her(? don't know their gender) yard with a few subtle but still lgbt+ decorations and got a note from her neighbor telling her to take the stuff down because he(?) found it offensive. It was later proven after she raised a few thousand dollars that she had written the note herself. So I'm kinda starting to wonder now that I'm actually seeing the texts.