forum Important!
Started by @Althalosian-is-the-father book

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@Althalosian-is-the-father book

First off, I should apologize to Shuri. This was done completely without his permission, and I hope he will not be angry with me. That said, moving on.
We all know the whole "drama" that went on a little while ago.
Shuri eventually said he had made the whole thing up. We were all betrayed. And rightly so.
But I wasn't so sure he was telling the truth. So I have been getting the information out of him to use here without his knowledge.
When Shuri told you the whole thing was made up by him. That was a lie. And I hope you can forgive him for it as it was for our benefit and he knew it would hurt him greatly.

I know many of you will be very annoyed with me for bringing this up again when we could have forgotten about it. I pondered the same thing last night, and almost decided not to go through with it.
But then I thought about it some more. I decided that everyone here deserves to know the truth. Even if we would rather it go away. Crowking was right in trying to bring a falsehood to light.
And most of all, I cannot allow a lie, especially about someone like Shuri, to go unrevealed.

Here are the pictures of my conversations with Shuri.


I can't see the conversations, it just leads to a Pinterest board about writing

Insert cussing

(This is a good Christian server, we censor cursing with Japanese pancake recipes) (パンケーキを作る方法)


Sorry I put you through this Dom.

I put me through this. Should the depressed peeps you help apologize to you?

Nobody has to apologize for anything Dom. I just want this to end.


Shuri, you don't have to worry. I don't know what it says, but we're only setting some things straight. It's better to unveil the truth now, when it's still early, rather than finding it out later. Everything's over now.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Sorry I put you through this Dom.

I put me through this. Should the depressed peeps you help apologize to you?

Nobody has to apologize for anything Dom. I just want this to end.

And I want it to end. But with no lies. And don't apologize. I know why you did it and I know you're sorry.