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Deleted user

sometimes, i wonder why i’m still here……… it just seems pointless

@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group

Would it be okay if I shared a little theory of mine with you?
I confess I'm not much one for religion. Nor am I all that crazy about philosophy or theology. To me, there seems to be this endless search for "meaning" in many people's minds, which ironically distracts them from living their actual lives. Recently something occurred to me–and I may be wrong–but what if the "purpose" of life is simply to live? To carry on no matter what, to keep your little spark alive? When you get right down to it, everything on Earth evolved purely to achieve this one thing: life. We humans seem to think we need to do more somehow…but isn't life itself amazing? Look how resilient we are, how strong and beautiful. What more do we really need?
I don't know. Those are just my thoughts, and you can take them or leave them. Either way, please don't lose heart. We believe in you, and you, Austin, are an incredible person. Remember that. :)


Is it really existence that is destroying you? Isn't that the opposite of what existence is? existence isn't tearing you apart something within this thing called existence is smothering you in a big cloud of not to goodness in just plane old nasty, but clouds can be pushed away by wind, in the end the sun always shines again and we just need to keep laughing under the clouds create our own sunshine, I believe in you, we all do, we would hate to see you go because in some way or another you've impacted us, we all have taken a shine to you Maybe not all but many. You've left a permanent fingerprint on my life, you've helped me realize that it's ok to speak up about my problems. In some way or another you've impacted people people care about you, we'll help you make your sunshine. (Did I do the thing where I make really weird analogies again…. oops)

Deleted user

2&1/2 years of this hellish darkness and their’s no point ………