forum I've come back, but I don't know what to do.
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Deleted user

A year or two ago, I'll say I was pretty active on this site; I did lots and lots of roleplays, followed a lot of different threads on the general chat and other categories, chatted one-on-one with many friends I made along the way. Mostly, I think I enjoyed being here on notebook with people who shared the common aspect of loving to write.
However, over the past few months or so, I've kind of cut contact with others and all I've been focusing on here on Notebook is posting a story to the critiques page, and while I'm still on the site, I've lost nearly all contact with the friends I had made (despite them still being active and having PM rooms with them) and I deeply regret it. And even with the one thread I have going in the sharing and critiques, I can't help but feel a bit secluded, despite the very few who've helped me on the original thread (credit to @Motaki and @Derpachu-Needs-Serious-Help for that; thank you so much and I miss talking to you!)
I know I've brought this upon myself for isolating myself, but I really hope to get more involved with this site again, and maybe make new friends and say hello to old friends too (if not too much has changed.)
I want a fresh start, needless to say, but – as I said – I don't know what to do.


Tiramisu! =D
welcome back, fren! we missed you!!!
…you probably don’t remember me too well, but I was that really annoying kid who just kind of spammed chats for attention and cried a lot i was not a very likable person back then, i have acknowledged it fully and i’m really terribly sorry for anything i may have caused-
if you don’t remember me at all, then… I’m Ella, I’m 14, and I draw a lot.
I tend to be online almost constantly, so if you need help with anything I’ll probably be here-
It’s nice to see you again!!! <3

Deleted user


I’m really close friends with Kylee (like, IRL lmao) and I’d love to make an acquaintance with you.

I’m Emi, it’s such a pleasure to finally meet you.



I'm known as Stark on here! I try to be online as much as possible (ignores the fact that I just came back from a 4 month hiatus) I'm always up for a Rp and love talking to people

My PMs are always open if you wanted to stop by!

Deleted user

hiya dude, i rememeber you
but you're not alone really. i've been very choppy this year and haven't gotten on a lot, im probably gonna consider opting out once all the rps im in end, but needless to say it's nice to see you back (you're not gonna remember me but i was tam, i had a different account back then)

@saor_illust school

hey! uh
i don think youd know me,
since i'm 99% sure i wasn't on nb back then
but uh,
hey, im izzy!!
i like to make new frens
play music,
and have fun!!
welcome back tiramisu!!

Deleted user

my dumbass thought you had already been here for over a year izzy and then i checked and-
damn, i really do have the memory of a goldfish.

Deleted user

it feels like you've been on longer, not gonna lie

Deleted user

Thank you all for stopping by and saying hello!

@ NutElla - Broooo! It's so good to see you again, it's been ages! It feels kind of good to be back in the other parts of the forum, to be honest. And don't worry, I remember you just fine :)

@ Urban - It's a pleasure to meet you, too! Kylee has talked about you quite a bit when I was close friends with her back then. Also, the way you put it, it sounds like she mentioned me to you? Just curious.

@ Stark - Well, it's nice to meet you! I feel like I've met you in an Modern-styled RP that I was in a long time ago, but I can't remember that well. But hopefully I'll see you around as we both become more active here.

@ Psychedelic - Unfortunately I don't remember you, but I hope we get along as I get things picked up here.

@ Izzie - Well, I too like to make frens, so I'm sure we'll get along well! By the way, I feel like I've seen you in my critique thread, but I'm not to positive on that.

All in all, it's a pleasure to meet all of you! (And in some cases, it's nice to see some of you again!) I hope to see people around in the forums here and there as I try to get more involved.

Deleted user

it sounds like she mentioned me to you? Just curious.

She has a few times when we’re talking about NB. You seemed to make her really happy as a friend, though, and when I tell her you’re back, she’ll be stoked.

Deleted user

I hope she will be, however, I sent her a pm back in April (because I did something in my critique thread that I should NOT have done) to apologize for doing something stupid, and she hasn't responded to it, so….
I mean, I hope she'll be stoked, but… I'm just not too sure about it.

Deleted user

I don’t think she has internet access at home. None of my friends have seen her on Discord or anything, and my band director said she saw her on the list for receiving paper copies of work.

Deleted user

Welcome back!!! We can still talk if you want to, nothing has changed for me


I'm Maddie, I'm sixteen and I also draw a lot, albeit nowhere near as good as Ella >:0
I'm tired

Deleted user

@ Urban - Now that I think about it, that sounds about right. She was talking about something like that, so I'm kind of not surprised.

@ Motaki - It's nice to see you again, my critiquing fren! (I dunno if I spelled that right, lmao)

@ Caustic-Fraust-Is-Beab - It's nice to meet you! I'm somewhat of an artist myself (although I haven't done anything lately). I got a laptop that allows to fold the screen back so it's like a tablet, and I got a pen along with it so I plan to try to get used to it in the coming weeks. I hope I'll see you in the "show off your art" thread soon!

@ Owen - I too like to stay hydrated (but I fall through sometimes :/) I enjoy sci-fi sometimes, depending on what it is. But it's very nice to meet you! :)

Deleted user

No problem with the spelling, I don´t know how it´s meant to be written either XD


heyy i'm aria, but most people call me south. i just came back from like a three month hiatus, and i'm trying to get back into the swing of things as well. i'm usually on the forums, but i don't rp because i've never really tried, and i'm kinda trying to focus on my own writing. but, hey! welcome back!!