forum I need some motivation....
Started by @ThatBackgroundSlytherin

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Hey guys it's Sly

I need some encouragement for writing and life in general

I had a really draining discussion last night about my life choices and I'm depressed

I have a short story I need to finish but I don't feel like it's worth it cus I'm not worth it


@Riorlyne pets

Have some hugs
Have you got some inspiring music you can put on? I find that can often cheer me up and motivate for writing.
Please know that you are definitely worth it.

(Much of my encouragement for life in general would stem from my Christian faith, but I don’t wish to offend if you hold different beliefs.)

@Riorlyne pets

Your worth as a person does not depend on how well you write or the life choices you make.
You’re worthy because God made you, and he loves you, no matter what. (Check Romans 8:38-39 if you’re not sure)
You’re a great friend to many on these forums and we all agree that
you’re worth it.

Deleted user

Hey Sly,
I hope you know that even though you may think you're not worth it, your whole fam will be at your doorstep violently screaming at you that you are (You should know by now how crazy we are!), right next to your irl family and friends :)
It's actually normal to feel that way sometimes, but depending on how long it's been going, you might want to seek professional help. Personally, seeing a therapist changed my life. I can't explain how great it feels to know for a fact there's a person who cares about your problems more than theirs.
There's something I've been wanting to remind you of for a while.
On my first day using, I decided to post about a problem I'd been having; I couldn't find inspiration for the life of me. I was confused and didn't know what to do next.
You replied.
You explained in the most beautiful analogy possible that "inspiration is like the golden ticket in a chocolate bar." You said if you got it, you were lucky; you were a winner. If you didn't, though, you still had this chocolate bar to aggressively devour and act like you hadn't eaten in three days (okay, so maybe the last part was me :)). You said that inspired or not, you gotta write, man! You love writing! Writing makes you happy! So you just gotta do it!
That really changed everything for me <3
I think you should think of motivation the same way.
Love you!

  • M


So I'm not sure we've ever actually interacted (I'm the weird stalker creep) (hello there) but if the snek father is in distress even I have to pop out of the woodwork!
I'm sure there are many more people like me who haven't specifically talked to you on the site but are still inspired and motivated by your positivity and helpfulness and general skills. You're amazing! You're such a light to the people on here and I don't think you realise how much your friendliness and joyfulness means to the people here.
So I say keep doing what you're doing, because even if it seems small or meaningless to you there's someone out there who needs to hear exactly what you have to say.
[psa over] [tl;dr: Sly is the best and anyone who says otherwise will literally have to fight an army of users]


I suck at motivation stuff, but you're amazing, so here we go:
You're a talented writer, but talented isn't the most important thing out there. You're also a dedicated writer. You've created the most characters I've ever seen on this site, you create so many cool ideas for roleplaying. You have such a creative mind and you don't squander it, which is awesome.
Life sometimes feels really, really long, which can make you shortsighted. Think of it like this: you're young and things always change. Change is good, change is natural. You'll find things that make you happy, you'll develop your skills, and even if you're disappointed, you won't be where you are now. You'll improve at writing, you'll be older. You'll be even more of who you already are.
It's hard to be inspirational towards someone who is such an inspiration to me. You're kind, warm, and welcoming, you've got a great personality, you're smart and you're interesting and you're imaginative.
I don't know what else to say except: God gave you talent. What you choose to do with it is incredible and I admire you. You're a great friend and a great writer and I support you 100%.

Deleted user

I hope I speak for everyone when I say you don't need to thank us.