forum I Need Fake Facts
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@EmptyNebula group

Fact- Side effects of addiction to ice cream may include cause weightloss, weight gain, nausea, loss of appetite, suicidal thoughts, drowsiness, insomnia, difficulty breathing, and more

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If you eat too much ketchup, it'll turn your brain into a tomato, and the government is legally allowed to take it from the CrushTom Act first introduced in 1934.

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IceCream is actually made of thousands of nanobots meant to control your brain, brainfreeze comes from your body rejecting the evil tech

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every bite of ice cream lowers your IQ by 199228828283 billion points. ever heard of Arnold Einstien? No? Because he was an Ice Cream Addict


Ice cream is classified as a stimulant drug. It is highly addictive and can affect your body in many ways. Do not take without being prescribed.