forum I need a list of ORIGINAL super freak accidents.
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 3 followers

Deleted user

So yeah, for another story I'm working on, I'm having this kid, he/she goes through a super freak accident, gets super powers yadadadada.

Savannah Bietz

Do you have any ideas of what kind of powers you want your kids to have? It would be easier to come up with an accident if you could narrow it down a bit.

Deleted user

The ability of vibration, echo location, the ability to convert sound to light.

Savannah Bietz

Okay, that's a really cool power. So when kind of glancing at how other animals use echolocation, the main two types of animals you should look at are bats and dolphins. Bats typically use their vocal cords to contract their larynx to produce the sound they use, while dolphins do not have vocal cords and instead produce their sound by using air movements through their nasal cavity. I think you could possibly have your character be exposed to a large amount of electricity, because in order to have echolocation, a human would need to hit a higher 120dB and be able to hear at 200 kilohertz, which is nowhere near what we could produce and hear as normal humans. That, and it would also help if your character lost or never had their sight, because that would force the body to rely on its other senses as well. Sorry, this was long.

Deleted user

So if she has eye sight would ghat affect her powers in anyway?

Deleted user

Ok, so also about the converting sound to light, do you have any suggestions on how that would work?

Deleted user

The ability of vibration, echo location, the ability to convert sound to light.

Mainly these.

Savannah Bietz

Well what I read about it, when you convert sound waves to light radiation, you are just reversing process that transforms electricity to sound, so I feel like the electricity accident would still work for that power too.

Deleted user

Thanks! I was trying to come up with original powers or powers that aren't seen a lot.

Deleted user

Hello again! Sorry, but I have come to ask, wjat suoer freak accidents would be involved with electricity, besides you know getting struck by lightning or getting electrocuted by an everyday thing.

Savannah Bietz

I mean there is a lot of ways that could happen. I think some of the worst accidents for people happen when the electricity shock is mixed with water. Like normal shocks that happen to people are like plugging something in when your hand is damp, or dipping something plugged in to water when you are using it.

Deleted user

Alright, what do you think would cause enough energy for the powers to occur? Sorry for aol the questions, im not the educated in these kinds of things you can say.

Savannah Bietz

No problem, although honestly googling this stuff can be just as good as school knowledge. You could always look up how much power those big transformers produce on the electrical grid.

Deleted user

Kwnjdcjejowjebeodnekk, sorry I'm frustrated right now because I'm trying to come up with somethig original, but I've been having Writer's Block for months now!


hmm, I'm not sure if this is a good accident but maybe the character could work at a warehouse that holds scientist's equipment and one day one specific equipment is brought in relating to the character's power somehow. While the character is alone in the warehouse the new equipment goes off in an explosion, catching the character in the blast.

Deleted user

Would work, but my character is underage to be a scientist really. He/She would still br in high school.


Sorry to awkwardly insert myself into the conversation, but if you're looking for odd/ridiculous suggestions…

Your high schooler could be running on fumes and coffee and stress because they have a term paper and three essays due (the rest was due yesterday). So they're on their laptop typing their essay, on their phone looking up bs facts to sprinkle in, on their ipod listening to the special relaxation music, printing pages as they type them, with three lamps on
They're soaked through because they just doused themselves in icy water to stay awake
All during a thunderstorm
The window breaks open, the rain/sleet/nastiness pours into the room
The person dives to protect their electronics but it's too late
All the electric stuff short-circuits at the same time while in contact with the person, the person gets supercharged with electricity. The paper they were writing was related to their new powers (idk like a physics paper on echolocation or something) which means that *congratulations * they now have superpowers
None of which can help them finish the paper in time, unfortunately

(It makes absolutely no scientific sense but I guess if you have no other options you might consider this one??)
(you don't have to, obviously) (because it really is kinda dumb) (wow this was long, I'm sorry)