forum I may or may not have started a book on Wattpad....
Started by @ElderGod-Carrots

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So uh… yeah I started a book on Wattpad and would appreciate it if you checked it out. Granted, it only has two parts so far nervous laughter but I plan on writing more tonight hopefully.

It’s called ”Two girls, one mirror” crap title I know by Totallynotgay24 but is a paranormal book created from an idea my sis had…

So uh, yeah… that’s all, you don’t have to read it but um… yeah…

@Starfast group

This actually sounds pretty good. I'll try to get around to reading it at some point.

(Also, I hope you don't mind me pointing out, but there's a typo in your summary. In the line "A girl who wants nothing to do with ghost hunters and their silly stores." pretty sure it's supposed to be stories. I normally point that out but it just seems like something that was overlooked).