forum I'm very tired but WRITING
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 3 followers

Deleted user

Hi, yes hello fellow tired ones come chat while we all procrastinate.


This seems like the place for me only instead of tired I just ate far too many servings of mashed potatoes and gravy and I'm always procrastinating my writing so I don't know if it even counts as procrastinating anymore

Deleted user

OOOH I got a new comic idea and I reALLY wish I had the artistic skill to pull it off


OOOH I got a new comic idea and I reALLY wish I had the artistic skill to pull it off

I'm in the opposite situation, I need drawing practice and I kinda want to make a manga/webtoon/comic but I don't have enough in my plot to get started and I don't have the motivation to work on it


Work together to do stuff! Just a suggestion…

Just one problem; I'm already supposed to be drawing a magma mermaid. And Dex, my second-to-least favorite Vocaloid. And a collab thing with my best friend. And three different drawings of characters. I also have to finish the one character drawing that I forgot to color… Each picture takes me an average of 7-16 hours, not counting the four days worth of getting distracted by le interwebs.


Why don't I use that stuff to practice my drawing? …I'm lazy and really, really don't want to draw a boy… I have not drawn a single boy in over a year… Boys are weird. To every person reading this who just happens to be a guy: STOP BEING HARD TO DRAW

Deleted user

Work together to do stuff! Just a suggestion…

Oh boi
I'm writing 8 books, 6 on my own… boi i dont think that'lll worrkk

Deleted user



What's the favorite thing you've made in worldbuildinggg guysys!!

Deleted user

OOOH the magic system I made up I was really proud of it-

What is it?

Deleted user



What's the favorite thing you've made in worldbuildinggg guysys!!

Does shipping two of my characters count?

just spew anything about writing

Deleted user

Anyway, my current worldbuilding thing im the proudest of would be a country called "Neverni" in my Sci-fi/fantasy world. It's located on the East side of the world and is connected to this world's north pole.

Its a mountainous cold wasteland at first glance, but its a huge underground technologically advanced society. Made from caves drilled out and expanded upon. Normal "skyscrapers" are "drillscrapers", widing buildings that wind downward into the earth.
The cities are large, using underground roads to travel here and there. Bullet proof glass it installed at the top of the caves for sunlight, and it the cities are climate controlled.

Deleted user

Yeet anybody good at science fiction world-building?

Well… uh my main project is Fantasy X Sci-fi…. kinda the best i got….