forum I'm uhhhh questioning my gender again
Started by @SaltyLasagna

people_alt 10 followers




We love and support you! If you wanna go through therapy, and get the surgery then do so! But make sure dysphoria is what you're experiencing so that you don't regret anything, mske sure you're certain! Whatever you do I'm behind it 100%, but I advise you to wait til' you're older, and til' you get to a less transphobic community!


I… don't like to identify with genders such as that… I don't like all of the confusing inbetween things. They're too specific to me and there are too many. I like to stick by cis, trans, non binary, and genderfluid (for myself at least)

Deleted user

It’s more than confusion though. Some people have it bad enough that it can cause depression, anxiety, anger/hostility. It’s really bad.


So guys, can you explain this to me? Not trying to be rude here but I just don't understand anything about identifying as something other than you were assigned at birth. Please enlighten.

You don't need to understand something to respect it, so thank you for being polite.

Okay basically what you've known for your whole life up to this point is cisgender (identifying as your assigned birth gender). Now you shall learn about transgender, which is not identifying as your assigned birth gender. This also comes with the hot side effect of dysphoria, a feeling where your body–or body parts–is wrong.

Deleted user

It’s a medical condition developed in the womb and it may be difficult to understand if you’ve never felt it.


That stuff is frickin weird. Don't want to sound insensitive here but how could you be a different gender than is told by your biology? Like how does that work?

It's not "frickin weird" when you've had to deal with wanting to cut off parts of your body because they were wrong.

How, you ask? How do you know you identify as your biological gender?