forum I’m leaving (not really)
Started by @basil_

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I’m not leaving, but I won’t be on during school anymore which is a huge portion of the day and I need to focus more on my grades and stuff.
Doesn’t mean I’m going to kill any role plays that I have going but if I don’t respond for a while I’m not ignoring you I just have a lot of stuff to do.
Love you guys and best wishes -Kmart


(Also I know I haven’t been telling you guys anything lately. Basically my mental health has gone to shit and every minute of the day is devoted to trying not to have a mental breakdown. This isn’t the reason I’m kind of leaving though, if anything I would be on here more. I’m having issues with my parents, I’m not going into detail or anything but I just want you to know that none of you did anything wrong.)


I'm glad you're taking time off to focus on school more. I wouldn't want you to fail because of us lmao
Love you! :)


We’ll miss you during the day, and I really hope things go uphill for you soon Kmart, I’m really sorry. If I can sling anything don’t hesitate to PM
Love you <3


Okay I know it's only been a day but I'm feeling kind of better and I have a little better hold of all this stuff I have to deal with. Thank you guys again ❤❤


Love you my Special K! I just want you to know that my PM is always open. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF AND YOUR GRADES!
We're totally gonna miss you! You're one of the most valuable people in our lives!
So charming and witty. I'm gonna be glad to see you return!