forum I’m leaving for a while
Started by @ElderGod-Carrots

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Hey guys.

Some of you may know me, others may not but I just wanted to put this out there in case anyone cared of my absence.

I don’t know if anyone’s noticed but the past few months I haven’t been as active on notebook as I used to be. School really cracked down on me and I barely get the chance to come online. This is coupled with a current shitty home life and limited technology usage.

I’ve decided to leave for a while, just until school is over and I’m on summer break (so three months from now). I’m gonna miss you all so fucking much but honestly I think it’s for the best right now.

I will be back, eventually.

Also a special thank you to @Young-Dusty. Thanks for being my oldest and one of my best friends on this site, I love you heaps.

See you all in three months,

~ Carys x

@Toxic_Persephone group

Hey, thank you so much for everything. I know we’ve only ever role played together but I’m glad for the time we shared. You’re so good at creating worlds and characters and have such an enchanting writing style. Thank you so much!

I’ll miss you. Just remember to breath and drink water and stay safe, okay? Be careful with stress and make sure to rest.

If for some reason I’m not here when you get back, thank you again for everything. For the experience I’ve gotten from you and for the characters we’ve shared. I hope to see you again Carrots!

Love you~ <3

@saor_illust school

Hey, I don't know you, and I've never seen you around, (and I believe the word you're looking for is "hiatus") but I just wanna say that I don't really care if you need to take longer than three months, or even six months. What really matters to me is that you are feeling a-okay and at your best, ready to stand up to life and say, "You know what? I don't care what you throw my way, but I will get through whatever you throw at me!"

@Rvan group

Awww, I’m sad to see you go but take all the time you need! I can’t wait for those three months to go by (or longer if you needed more of a break) :D I wish you well in your life outside of notebook and I hope school goes well for you. Have an AWESOME day!


Ah, you have no idea who I am but I know you, and you’ll be missed by so much of this community including myself. I’ve definitely been where you are, and all I want to say is to take all the time you need to feel healthier, okay? <3

@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group

This I can say in all honesty, Carys: I will miss you so, so much. But at the same time, I'm so glad to hear you're doing what you know is best for yourself right now, and I wouldn't want it any other way. I hope you have the best school year possible (under the circumstances). Please accept my offering of three month's worth of encouraging words and virtual hugs. ^^
Thanks for being one of the coolest people ever! I hope to see you again someday soon!


Hey be safe out there! I didn't get the chance to know you as well as everyone else, but I can say I'll miss you.
The small chances ive gotten to talk to you, and the RP's we've done have honestly been so much fun. You honestly seem like a really cool person and I hope we can talk more when you come back. ^^
Take care and be safe. Put your health first, and never forget that the people of notebook and so many others care about you.


I literally finally had time to actually respond to this, but I already miss you so much. I'm glad that you decided to take care of yourself, and I really hope things will improve for you. Can't wait to see you again :)