forum I'm,,, going to lose it
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

people_alt 62 followers


Ack I don't have a cell phone, it's a house phone dksaln but like…I do have an email? It's a school address and I'll get in trouble if either of us swears but it's something? I'm also pretty active on my Pinterest dms if that's available

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

like, I have a hard enough time in person and phones have a while new set of etiquette I'd need to memorize and fail at, no thank you ohhhh I can totally do Pinterest I'm on all the time, just look up SwimwithGamers and you'll find me, I don't care if random people end up following lol

@Elder-God-Whisper work

I can get text messages on my iPad through my email, so we can try that, and I can definitely do Google docs. And of course, you have my discord, but we can have backup stuff in case Discord is compromised.


I'd give you my phone number or email for contact, but my parents go through them sometimes and I don't want to get in trouble for talking to internet people, so. Sorry!


Oh no! You can be sure that I'll miss you, and if there's anyway to communicate with you in some other way, I'm open to hear it. I hope everything turns out okay, Swim

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Okay, so, ways to contact me I'm going to post here
Pinterest - SwimwithGamers
Discord - SwimwithGamers#2660
Mail (I rarely check) pm me
I'll probably still be on here, just not at much/ not as long of responses, or responding to everyone all the time