forum I'm bored let's bring back the notebook hunger games
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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Day 2.

Salami scares Maddie off.

Barry makes a wooden spear.

Perry The Platypus sets an explosive off, killing Elle.

Derp travels to higher ground.

Sy travels to higher ground.

DragonGirl picks flowers.

J.K Rowling falls into a frozen lake and drowns.

Owen questions her sanity.

Ella tries to sleep through the entire day.

Ace thinks about home.

Danny, W*rmanvil, Amber, and Most Wonderful Human hunt for other tributes.

Our Lord And Savior steals from Sarrah while she isn't looking.

Dom tends to Jyn's wounds.

Lily goes hunting.

Mir goes hunting.


Night 2.

Mir cries herself to sleep.

Ace tends to Lily's wounds.

Sy tries to sing himself to sleep.

Our Lord And Savior and Derp sleep in shifts.

Danny tends to Jyn's wounds.

Perry The Platypus and Dom talk about the tributes still alive.

Maddie, Amber, and Barry toast some marshmallows together.

Ella severely injures Most Wonderful Human and leaves her to die. (DDDDD:)

W*rmanvil, Salami, and DragonGirl toast some marshmallows together.

Sarrah and Owen hold hands.


Day 3.

Danny runs away from Sy.

Derp discovers a cave.

Barry explores the arena.

Perry The Platypus searches for firewood.

Dom and Ella swordfight each other with bubble wands. Ella wins. Dom falls into a deep depression upon his defeat.

Amber diverts Sarrah's attention and runs away.

Mir drops a knife on her toe. Ouch.

DragonGirl and Salami hunt for other tributes.

Jyn doesn't want to play this anymore. Jyn wants to speak to the manager.

W*rmanvil, Lily, Maddie, Ace, and Our Lord And Savior hunt for other tributes.

Owen is pricked by thorns while picking berries.


Night 3.

Mir, Jyn, Maddie, Lily, and Danny sleep in shifts.

Ella receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.

Salami, Amber, and Sarrah sing songs together to lift the others' spirits. No one liked it.

Sy climbs a tree to rest.

W*rmanvil, DragonGirl, Barry, Our Lord And Savior, and Owen sleep in shifts.

Ace climbs a tree to rest.

Dom quietly hums.

Derp thinks about home.

Perry The Platypus attempts to start a fire, but is unsuccessful.


Day 4.

Sarrah, Danny, Sy, and W*rmanvil hunt for other tributes.

Lily diverts Salami's attention and runs away.

Ella travels to higher ground.

Dom explores the arena.

Jyn receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.

Mir searches for firewood.

Derp steals from Amber while she isn't looking.

Owen receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.

Perry The Platypus stalks Maddie.

DragonGirl picks flowers.

Ace is pricked by thorns while picking berries.

Barry collects fruit from a tree.

Our Lord And Savior discovers a cave.


Night 4.

Mir cries herself to sleep.

Sy receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.

Derp screams for help.

Our Lord And Savior passes out from exhaustion.

Amber, Sarrah, Owen, Jyn, and DragonGirl sleep in shifts.

Maddie convinces W*rmanvil to not kill her, only to kill him instead.

Ella is unable to start a fire and sleeps without warmth.

Salami, Ace, and Lily rest by the fire.

Barry begs for Dom to kill him. He refuses, keeping Barry alive.

Perry The Platypus falls into a frozen lake and drowns.

Danny looks at the night sky.


Day 5.

Lily thinks about home.

Owen thinks about home.

Mir makes a wooden spear.

Salami shoots an arrow at Dom, but misses and kills Sy instead.

Ella, Barry, and Maddie get into a fight. Ella triumphantly kills them both. (sorry)

Danny camouflauges himself in the bushes.

Ace attacks DragonGirl, but she manages to escape.

Sarrah shoots a poisonous blow dart into Amber's neck, slowly killing her.

Derp accidentally burns himself.

Our Lord And Savior stalks Jyn.


6 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.

District 8

Perry The Platypus
District 11

District 3

District 9

District 6

District 8


Night 5.

Our Lord And Savior looks at the night sky.

Lily and Jyn run into each other and decide to truce for the night.

Derp sets up camp for the night.

Salami stays awake all night.

Dom fends Owen, Sarrah, and Ace away from his fire.

Ella and Danny run into each other and decide to truce for the night.

DragonGirl and Mir huddle for warmth.


Day 6.

Our Lord And Savior questions his sanity.

Jyn dies trying to escape the arena. (D:)

Salami sprains her ankle while running away from Derp.

Dom stalks Mir.

DragonGirl defeats Ace in a fight, but spares his life.

Owen steals from Ella while she isn't looking.

Sarrah sees smoke rising in the distance, but decides not to investigate.

Lily decapitates Danny with a sword.


Night 6.

Lily goes to sleep.

Dom and Ace hold hands.

Ella destroys Owen's supplies while she is asleep. (HA! Revenge >:D)

Our Lord And Savior, Salami, DragonGirl, Derp, and Sarrah sleep in shifts.

Mir passes out from exhaustion.