forum I'm bored let's bring back the notebook hunger games
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

people_alt 66 followers


you have been added, as well as danny devito
there are currently 5 more slots available, however we can always remove a fictional character or two if more people want to join than that


District 1:
Mojack, Owen
District 2:
Pickles, NutElla
District 3:
Dragongirl, Sy
District 4:
Salami, Big Chungus
District 5:
J.K. Rowling, Big Boss
District 6:
Maddie, Lily
District 7:
Ace, Danny DeVito
District 8:
Shrek, W*rmanvil
District 9:
Derp P, Barry B
District 10:
andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer), amy (the most wonderful woman in the world)
District 11:
Mir, GameMaster
District 12: Sam, Dean

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group


  • Barney (as in the dinosaur because I think its funny)
  • Dracula
  • Edmond Dantes aka The Count of Monte Cristo
  • Hannibal Lector (we can pretend that he eats the bodies of his kills)
  • Freddy Krueger
  • Jason Voorhees
  • Michael Myers


Alright, the districts are now full, however if anyone else still wants to join I can take out some of the filler characters.
I'm gonna brainstorm some custom actions to add so there's still plenty of time left before the game actually starts
oh, and i'll probably do multiple rounds. might even try one with just our characters to see what happens-


If anyone has any custom event ideas to add, let me know-

(Player1) accidently steps on a landmine.
(Player1) explores the arena.
(Player1) throws a knife into (Player2)'s head.
(Player1) and (Player2) swordfight each other with bubble wands. (Player2) wins. (Player1) falls into a deep depression upon their defeat.