forum i'm bisexual
Started by @cryptic-glitch

people_alt 56 followers

@probablypolnareff language

my boyfriend has been trying to get me to feel less awkward when he flirts with me
so far, it hasn't worked
just today he called me a pet name and i just started sweating and laughing nervously
he thought i was having a panic attack

on a completely irrelevant note: i swear to god, finding recruits for a matching pfp group is the hardest thing i've ever done in my life- i literally cannot think of anyone to ask, so,,,, so far it's just me and my bf matching- it's a start ig

@probablypolnareff language

i'm just looking for like 3 more people to join this matching pfp group since there's only 3 more icons left
i would normally just give up, but i'm not doing that this time, becauuuuuse i am absolutely determined to make this dream come to fruition

@Becfromthedead group

(Is the icon group jojo related by chance? Because I'm a jojo fan myself, and if y'all can't find anyone else, I'd be glad to hop on the train.)
Also hello, another disaster bi here 😔

@probablypolnareff language

Ah, now I see it is very much jojo related ajdkdls

lol yea it is ikbckbwcwjk
but yea you can join if you want- you can just pick an icon out of the remaining 3
i might as well get more group members now before the opportunity leaves-

@probablypolnareff language

i mean, that sounds good to me for the most part
also brb, i'm trying to get my bf to come online and hop onto this now that we're getting more members :p i bet he'd love to see this go down

@Eli_ group

also i'm bAck and i finally got my boyfriend to come online
it took a lot of spamming but it worked-

Can confirm; It definitely did work.

@probablypolnareff language

oh lol
either way, i'm glad i managed to actually convince people to join this group jhcbhjbchdj- i'm also a little surprised,,,,
this whole thing was an idea i formed completely out of the blue, simply cuz i was v bored at the time and just happened to find some group icons
i'm also not very good at convincing people to join in on my shenanigans, so this is all kind of a shock to me lmao