forum I'm back~~~ @SwimwithGamers
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

I'm back after four ish months!! An explanation to everyone who didn't know- my dad didn't let me back in until the end of school, but now I'm back and craving human interaction!!!


  1. Mosis is annoying and RPs in the future tense, big fat no
  2. CallyCat deleted their account but should be back towards the end of this month
  3. The w o r m s have taken over
  4. buncha people became Goodreads buddies

That's all I can think of, Mir probably knows more

Deleted user

  1. Mosis is annoying and RPs in the future tense, big fat no

Well then…


  1. Mosis is annoying and RPs in the future tense, big fat no

Well then…

Sorry Mosis, but it's true. That's the main reason you get turned down for RP's. if you used present or past tense, it would be a lot easier to RP with you. I, personally, find it difficult to deal with future tense


My God, that's…. Disturbing to me. This isn't really a sure for kids that young to r p…

My thoughts exactly. Like some/a lot of the RPs that get posted would barely be alright for 13 year olds. But a nine year old?? god no

Deleted user

Mir probably knows more

I do!

  • In honor of April Fool's Day, there were bots that would replace words with random other shit
  • Meet @Owen! We love her
  • Ruby/Nia deleted their account after being outed in a bunch of lies
  • Baylee kind of disappeared after some drama
  • And currenty, Jake is in some drama.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

  1. That's hilarious I can't believe I missed that
  2. Hello new person!! I'm Swim, used to be here a while back and have finally returned! Nice to meet you!
  3. Oh dear, that's horrible ;-;
  4. Crap, everyone's disappearing
  5. Ah yes, more drama. Details and or where it's happening?

Deleted user

Rudeness chat. Honestly, it's… A shit show and a half. Oh, and Rudeness is currently 'Incognito Mode.'