forum I'll draw your characters!
Started by @Celestial-B

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Whoa this is so awesome! I can tell you're really swamped with character requests but if you ever want to do mine, here she is, and you can ask for more details if you want. Cal


(If you have time, plz to mine because I’ve been looking for ages for someone to be this nice to do this for me!)

My character’s is named Paxi. She is 14 years old, 5’7, and has blue mermaid hair a little longer than shoulder length. She wears a tight Hamilton T-shirt and short. She is Caucasian and has olive green eyes. She also wears black boots.

Here’s the link if you need more descriptions. Paxi Miranda-Nadal


whoah… This is so cool! Do you pm the results to people once you're done? Let me know when you're finished all your requests so I can send you mine :)


I'll either pm the results or post them here, whichever is easiest for me atm! I've done one so far, and i'm working on two so i'll let you know when I can!


If you could! Seems like you're swamped, but whenever you can…
If possible do them with arms around each other, if not then just seperately, or even just Sienna is fine.
Sienna, 5' 6''and 110 lbs. She has bright green eyes and mid-back length frizzy auburn hair, and freckles on her face. She is tanned, with a curvy figure. She's wearing a white tank top and black leggings and boots, with a purple overcoat trimmed with white. She's happy, and has dimples.
Theo is 5' 8'' and 115 lbs. He has big grey eyes and short wavy dark brown hair, and a sharp jawline. He is Latino, very lean. He's wearing a purple shirt trimmed with green, and black trousers and boots, also happy though a little confused.


@"Broken Princess" Here is your cute girl, Mireya! :D I really liked drawing her! Sorry if everything isn't exactly the way you hoped, I really tried my best!! :3

As for everyone else, sorry i'm taking so long! I'm just kinda skipping around, not really in any certain order, and doing these when I feel most motivated. I'll try and get to everyone's I swear!


Could you please draw my character? She has blonde hair with a lot of red in it and some streaks of blue and light green. Her eyes are silver and she has black twisting horns on her head and black dragon wings. Oyoyo Gamble


Hi, I'm new to this website but I just saw your post and some of your drawings. I think they are fantastic, and I was wondering if you where still drawing for people? I don't have very extremely detailed descriptions, but you could take from it what you want.
Jess : Jess Blount Clothes I'd say would be leather jacket and cool dark jeans
Stella : Stella Watkins Not sure what I picture her clothes being, but favorite color is black…

@Broken Princess

@"Broken Princess" Here is your cute girl, Mireya! :D I really liked drawing her! Sorry if everything isn't exactly the way you hoped, I really tried my best!! :3

As for everyone else, sorry i'm taking so long! I'm just kinda skipping around, not really in any certain order, and doing these when I feel most motivated. I'll try and get to everyone's I swear!

Thank you so much! You're amazing! You got it just right.

Deleted user

You're so sweet! If it isn't too much trouble, I'd like to offer my character as well.

Her name is Hannah Cooper. She's got golden brown hair which reaches her lower back. She usually ties them back loosely, but otherwise has them open. Her eyes are mercury-gold, and her skin color is pale. She's short and skinny. The types of clothes she wears honestly depends on her mood, but overall she likes to wear a dark blue t-shirt with a dark black coat with brownish fur lining the edges that go down to her hips, along with a plain black long sleeved v-neck, dark blue pants, and dark brown knee-high boots.

Thank you so much in advance! Also, it's completely fine if you're unable to draw Hannah. I know you're busy with all the other requests. I won't mind, really.

Micah Apple

I would really like my character drawn. She is 15 and has dark brown hair (usually in a braid) and is a bit of a fierce complex character she always wants to be in control. she has very light skin because her "father" makes her stay inside. and I think she should have gray eyes. It would be amazing if you could draw her!! but I mean you don't have to.


Are you still taking characters? I just only know saw this post. But if you still are I would love for you to draw someone for me.
-mid 20's
-a bit chubby
-long fluffy lilic hair
-light sky blue headphones
-red shirt with cat face on it
-light sky blue short shorts
-red sneakers