forum I'll draw your characters!
Started by @Celestial-B

people_alt 38 followers


I'm bored and I love drawing so i'm willing to draw something of your character to put in their gallery. I'm not the best at it but i'd be glad to draw your character if I like them! I'm not as good at boys as I am at girls, but I do draw both! Please don't feel bad if I don't draw your character, i'll try and draw as many as I can! Please either show me a reference or describe them in detail and tell me a bit about them and I'll give it my best!

Like I mentioned above, You all are allowed to put the drawing in your characters gallery
Here is an example of what it will look like, except different poses, clothes, colors and stuff y'know based on your character! — And it will most likely have more shading and the eyes will be more detailed!

I should note that, while I'll try to draw everything accordingly, some things I might simplify if it is beyond my abilities! :D


For free??? Awesome!!! Your art is so cute!!

My character Nyir has rich dark skin, and a burn scar down her left cheek and chin. Her eyes are almond shaped, serious, and dark, with thick lashes. Her eyebrows are thick as well. Her hair is in cornrows and medium length, tied out of her way. Her lips are full but uneven, her bottom lip larger than her top. Her top lip is a shade darker than her bottom. She is tall and lithe, with an athletic build. Her outfit is thin armor over top a flame resistant cat suit type thing. Armor is very practical as it covers everything vital but it's light to provide easy movement. She wields a sword.

If you have any questions ask!! U don't have to use every piece of info here but I'd appreciate any art at all!

@Chronicle Beta Tester

If you could get to me, I'd love for you to do my character!

Isaac is quite tall, around 5'9". He doesn't have a strong upper-build (and he's quite skinny), but you can tell that he's strong. His face always has an inquisitive look to it, and he is always smiling.

He has short black hair. His eyebrows are thin. His eyes are bluish-green. He primarily wears black button-ups. He usually has a dagger on his side. Now, here's where the tricky part comes in…

At a young age, he was possessed by chaos. The process was slow with him; as a result, the right side of his face is… black, I guess I should call it (although it's not the best word). The blackness fades in from the left side, and it isn't immediate.

If you do decide to draw my character and need more information, let me know!


If you don't mind drawing my character that would be fantastic, however it will be okay if you decide not to, it's your choice.
Anyways, I would like for you to draw Allester Eklof. He's about 5'6 and he has a somewhat bony and skinny build. He has messy black hair and very pale skin. He has three scars on his face, two on his right cheek (looking at him) and one on the upper bridge of his nose. He has blue eyes with slightly bloodshot scleras. He has thin eyebrows and he has no facial hair. His mouth is usually set in a prominent frown and his eyebrows seemed to be slightly furrowed at all times.
He has a dull green T-Shirt with a white lab coat. He has light brown khaki pants and black work shoes. If his lab coat sleeves were to be rolled up, there would either be multiple scars or bandages, either of them is okay.

if you need more info just PM me or tell me here, if you need a more in depth ref I could put something together and link it to you


I think this is so cool that you're gonna draw people's characters, it would be interesting to see how someone else interprets the description.
So I have this character, her name is Elda and she's 10-12 years old (I haven't decided). She always wears a plain white cotton dress with cap sleeves and that goes just below her knees. She has red hair that is just below shoulder length. She has pale skin and no freckles. Her eyes are silvery-blue and she has dark eyelashes.
Let me know if you need more of a description

@Broken Princess

This is so awesome of you! If you don't mind, I'd like to be able to get a visual of one of my main characters.

Her name is Mireya. She's around seventeen and of average height. She's slim, agile, and graceful. She's not super curvaceous, but she isn't a stick. Her skin is where it gets complicated. I can't find the right word to describe it. Her father is an ethnicity based on Greek/Mediterranean, which is olive skin, and her mother is from a tribe based on African peoples, which is dark skin. I'm thinking her skin would be like a caramel or golden-brown color. Her eyes are hazel and she has slim, dark eyebrows. Her hair is a deep brown that is nearly black and she always wears it in a long braided plait down her back. She has a heart-shaped face and her expression is usually impassive or thoughtful.
I'm not sure what kind of clothes I want her to wear, but a simple, solid-colored, and long dress would be fine.

Deleted user

@Celestial-B your art is adorable! If you have time, I'd love for you to draw my character! Her name is Riley and she's a 5'6" 14 year old. She's got curly brown hair and brown eyes. She doesn't have glasses or any freckles and she likes to dress in things like flannels and t-shirts and jeans. It's okay if you don't get to me but I think it's really cool that you're offering to do this for people. :)


Hey, I'm new writer and I just got to this website today (and I'm not fluent in english so I'm sorry for any mistakes here). I just found this chat and I loved your proposal of drawing other people's characters. I just saw your art style and honestly, it would be a honor to have my character drawn by you! So when you can, I would love if you'd draw my main character!
His name is Blake Fosko, he's 23 y/o, he's 1,70cm (5'5), he's white, but his arms and face are quite tanned because of sun burn. He has black hair and it's usually messy. He has a diamond shaped face, his eyebrows are angled, not big, but they're kinda "strong" (if that makes any sense), his eyes are kinda sleepy and reminds an asian person, but he's not quite asian. His eyes are hazel and he has no facial hair.
His upper body is quite build, but he doesn't have large shoulders. When wearing a shirt he looks slim. He's always wearing a button up shirt, slim jeans and old running shoes (I'll let you pick the colors). He's always carrying a puke-green flannel (he can be wearing it or having it tied to his waist, do what's easier for you :3) it's very ugly, but it has a very especial meaning to him, so please don't judge. He's a liar, to tell you the truth. He pretends to be this cute and innocent person on the outside, but he's very sly and revengeful. You can choose if you want to draw him as a liar or the innocent one (But when he's in his "liar mode" his hair is white and his eyes are grey)
Please, no need hurry if you decide to draw him, I'm a very patient person :)
My inspiration for him was this guy —–> (just the face shape and the hair)
Thank you for your time! And sorry if I'm bothering you! (this request it's longer than I expected, I'm sorry for that)

@Story_Siren group

Hey, can i request my Emma? She's 15, very thin (underweight), 5'6, with a rust red bob. She has a round face, emerald green eyes, and orange freckles over her nose and cheekbones. She likes to wear a white shirt with "sweet as 3.14159265" in black lettering on it, and jeans.


I see you've already gotten a bunch of requests, so if you don't get around to mine don't sweat it. Here is the character link Alister My character is actaully genderfluid and has the ability to shapeshift at will so you can take a few liberites with them if you'd like.


Hi there! I'd love to see if you could draw one of my characters, but it is totally okay if you don't get around or don't want to do it!
Here is my character:
Her name is Quill and she has tanned skin. Her eyes are a dull green, and they are very big. She has freckles scattered across her face as well. Her face is diamond shaped, and she is also tallish, 5' 9". She has long light brown, ashy hair that she always wears in a long braid down her back, (it reaches her waist).
She loves to wear green cargo pants a matching jacket, as well as a black tank top underneath. Quill also wears hiking boots everywhere.
Her personality, just so you can get a feel for her, is rebellious. She is often the leader of many groups, but she will not take no for an answer. It is a rarity that you ever get to see her genuine smile, but if you do, it is gorgeous. I really don't care what facial expression, but whatever you think is best, if you can do my character!


Hey, @Celestial-B , I'm sorry for bothering, I see that you already have a lot of requests and you must be pretty busy because of it, but I need to make a question to you. Could you tell me if you picked my character for drawing or not? As I said before, I'm a very patient person, but I suffer from "anticipatory anxiety", so not knowing if you're drawing my character or not it's really killing me. I'll not be upset if you say that you didn't picked him, but I need to know. If you picked him, if you're drawing him, if you let to draw him as the last or if you didn't picked him at all. I'm sorry for being a bothersome, but I can't help to be this way. Thank you for your time!!

@Broken Princess

@"Broken Princess" Is there a certian dress type you'd like her to have? Like a sleeve length? Or if its tight or loose and a certain color?

So sorry, I didn't see this! I'm not sure, but I guess one of those with a white shirt with semi-puffy sleeves underneath a long solid colored dress. Sort of medieval and simple and casual. Not super tight but not super baggy, the white sleeves are long, color is up to you based on her coloring.