forum I’ll Draw Your Characters
Started by @LeafyLemur

people_alt 14 followers


how do you get the drawings to us? not trying to be mean or rude but I love seeing drawings and I'd like to know how to do that. my friend draws some pretty awesome stuff too. also how does one share a character?

sorry guys I'm new to all this :(


To share a character you go to the character sheet, and click the lil share triangle symbol button thing
and then you have to make sure you make the character public

and I think they're just posting them on google photos then sharing the link


does anyone else have the problem of starting three or four books at a time? I've been doing that and it's not the best idea


oh yeah def
I have a trilogy in the works (beta readers are reading/editing/commenting on book 1, I'm in the middle of book 2, book 3 is being planned)
I'm in 2 collabs
And I'm planning for an Alice in Wonderland retelling (kinda dark, it's like…. a fractured fairy tale) that I'll use as my nanowrimo project
and I had a good book idea last night


the third book I started is basically about this super old guy that decided the normal fairy tales (snow white, tangled, etc.) are too cliche so he rewrites them in his own way. the protagonist is the one character he didn't write out so in the end I'm planning to have him mentor this extra character to become the next "author".

it sounded good in my head but idk


no you can make large text by putting a - or = under your line of text
like this
but add a space in between the line above and the line you want big

like this

(you can quote this message to see how it's formatted if you want)

Deleted user

search up drarry fanart don't mind what they're doing in the drawings just look at draco


If you've got time, could you do my girl Ellen with her cat?

Kat's a Russian Blue cat.
If you've got any questions, try and ask before tomorrow. I'm leaving for a trip tomorrow and won't be able to get on.

Here’s Ellen and Kat! Ellen might not look exactly like her description because I didn’t have the right colors and I didn’t see some of what she looked like before I lined it, but here it is! :P