forum I’ll Draw Your Characters
Started by @LeafyLemur

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Hey, so I need inspiration so I decided to do this. I’m not guaranteeing amazing art or art quickly, but I’ll eventually be able to draw them! So yeah… :)


Hey, can you draw my girl Evanna? Here's the link

I'd like her in a combat stance if you can do that. She's wearing harem pants, and her hair is braided over her shoulder. Instead of a shirt, she has bandages binding her chest. If you don't want to draw that just a plain tank top will do. Thanks!


Woah wut, wow! Thanks y’all! I’ll get started now! Also, thanks Scarlet, you’re too kind! •v•

Aw, you’re welcome. :p

But it’s true. •-•

Deleted user

How do we get the link to our homies on here? (By homies I mean characters. I hate referring to my homies as characters because they're not really. They're real - not everyone can see them, but we, as writers, as the ones who created them, can. They are as real as you are - after all, you made them.) But really, how do we link our homies onto the chat?

Deleted user

Oh yes

Anyway, how do we link our character pages?


Go to the homie you want to have drawn, rightclick on the page address, it should highlight it and a options bar should pop up. Select copy, and come back to this chat. Then rightclick and select paste. That should work.

Deleted user

Houston Saxet so this is my homie Houston if you'll notice his last name is Texas spelled backward have fun! He's a bit like Draco Malfoy like they draw him in the fanfics, not the actual movie.


Probably way too late for this, but I just made an account recently. The description might not be that good and he's a nonhuman, so I'm sorry in advance. For clothing, blue shirt like the BOTW warm doublet, gray mantle, and brown pants. Satchel and staff are optional.