forum I Just Watched Avengers: Infinity War... Discussion (Spoiler Warning)
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people_alt 12 followers


ok so i watched it and am about to go see it again and i have an idea about the people who are dead and stuff. i dont think theyre actually dead, but instead their souls are trapped in the gauntlet (i got this idea from child gamora at the end). the "dead" people will need to try to destroy thanos from the inside while the "alive" people will try to kill him from the outside. i havent put much thought into it yet but i think itd be pretty cool of that is actually true.


Just look at all the upcoming Marvel movies and you'll all feel better. Particularly me, who has Spiderman as her favorite all-time marvel character ever. Homecoming 2 is coming out in 2019


honestly I'm glad I grew out of the loki obsession phase of my life because this movie would have utterly destroyed me instead of just killing me. I'm still incredibly sad that he's dead though

Deleted user

Thor: The Dark World was so forgettable I had no idea who Sif was for a moment


I just got back from watching it, and here's my theory:

SO Doctor Strange saw 14 million different outcomes where only ONE of them is the one where they win. Before they arrived on Atlas (or something?), Strange said he'd sacrifice Tony's and Peter's lives for the Time stone. THEN HE OUT OF NOWHERE DECIDES TO SAVE TONY BY GIVING UP THE STONE?? But here's the thing, he said, "This is the only way" to Tony as he gave up the stone to Thanos. The only way to do… what? To win?

My hope is on Strange knowing that he'd have to do that in order for their 1 out of 14 million chances to work out.


What I want to see in the next movie is the remaining people just giving up their code.
I want Tony to give up his ego, his riches, his control. I want him to go after Thanos with a blood rage.
I want to see Captain America abandon his love for his country and leave it behind. I want him to forsake his title and his shield and for once, fight like a real soldier. Dirty, using whatever means necessary. I want him to pick up Bucky's gun and use it to rip through armies.
I want Okoye to give up her posture and her will to keep Wakanda a secret. I want to show us why SHE is the leader of the Dora Milaje.
I want the Avengers to fulfill Tony's promise in the first movie, "-if we can't protect the world you can be damn well sure we will avenge it."


I was a bit weirded out by the bit near the end with little Gamorra. What I kind-of expected was for that to be the incarnation of Death. You see, in the comics, Thanos has a love affair with Lady Death. So I wanted the writers to at least mention that, so I thought that could've been Death herself taking on the form of Gamorra, since the green-skinned assassin belongs to her now.

@HighPockets group

My friend got super mad at some kids in my class because they were talking about spoilers REALLY LOUDLY and she also got into a debate with her boyfriend about the Time Stone.