forum I am legit new to this so... hi come talk im here most of the time.
Started by @Cowgirl_Jess

people_alt 6 followers

Deleted user

I was gonna play flute, too, but violin is WAY easier XD. The reason I said sorry band kids (btw) is cause band kids where I live get offended by orchestra kids XP


Example number one.

Yeah idk why band kids are weird where I live. They think we're, like, copying them or something? Idk.

Band kids are just weird. But they have to realize that you guys don’t copy them. They march around n’ stuff, and the winter concert stuff is just totally different.


I was gonna play flute, too, but violin is WAY easier XD. The reason I said sorry band kids (btw) is cause band kids where I live get offended by orchestra kids XP


Example number one.

Yeah idk why band kids are weird where I live. They think we're, like, copying them or something? Idk.

Band kids are just weird. But they have to realize that you guys don’t copy them. They march around n’ stuff, and the winter concert stuff is just totally different.

Oof it SO is!


lol sorry i got busy, fast. i wont be on at all tomorrow sadly cause i have a group assignment to video and clean the house for appraisal, tomorrow is going to be one heck of a long day. ima call it a night yall cause where i live its 10:11 pm. night everybody!!!