forum I am legit new to this so... hi come talk im here most of the time.
Started by @Cowgirl_Jess

people_alt 6 followers


Literally you need something to talk about, need to put out your anger or what ever im here, i might not be here but you can type it and put it out. If ya need someone to talk to im always on here cause i got nothin better to do. heh #loner. anyway please do come and talk. P.S im a high school student so its not like im some creepy adult, hehe adults are weird.

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Hi there fellow High Schooler! I’m EMI and people call me Emi. Are you in



hey guys. sorry i was offline. I wish i was in band still, i was in band for 5th grade and 7th grade. both times band got cut out of the program and i might do band as an elective next year.

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Aw dude that sucks! I hope Band is an option to you next year. What did you play?

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….slides out of chat because Connie is a very boring person


Connie you are not boring, you are probably an amazing person! and yeah i hope i get to play again. I play both the uphonium and the baritone. both are smaller than the tuba and in the brass family. How about you two? do any of yall do band if so what instrument?

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I don't band…. im leaving this to Emi… so uh…… bye

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not to brag although I technically am bragging, I’ve been playing piano for the past 11 years


mkay, connie you do anything besides band? i wanna include ya in this too. and dang!!! i can barely play that. Now that's talent. You know what i'm good at, drowning in a pool at an invitational! i totally screwed up my invitational today. I was swimming and my cap fell off, i have long hair so i choked on my hair and water. life guards had to save me.

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mkay, connie you do anything besides band? i wanna include ya in this too. and dang!!! i can barely play that. Now that's talent. You know what i'm good at, drowning in a pool at an invitational! i totally screwed up my invitational today. I was swimming and my cap fell off, i have long hair so i choked on my hair and water. life guards had to save me.

im just…. gonna let everyone else have their fun

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To answer your question, I’ve played flute for like, six years, and grew to start enjoying it once my flute first got fixed. Which was like, a month or so ago (the tone was so godlike…. susuissjsjska”sms).


I was gonna play flute, too, but violin is WAY easier XD. The reason I said sorry band kids (btw) is cause band kids where I live get offended by orchestra kids XP


not me!!! i played with orchestra kids and it was fun, then it got awkward but eh, i like both sides of it. And what ever you play is at least worth it one way or another, i only have three valves to push but each one has a different note, so easy and hard, plus my lips always hurt at the end like i feel weird talking after ward.

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I was gonna play flute, too, but violin is WAY easier XD. The reason I said sorry band kids (btw) is cause band kids where I live get offended by orchestra kids XP


Example number one.


I was gonna play flute, too, but violin is WAY easier XD. The reason I said sorry band kids (btw) is cause band kids where I live get offended by orchestra kids XP


Example number one.

Yeah idk why band kids are weird where I live. They think we're, like, copying them or something? Idk.