I'm… proud that I've been stretching every day so that I can do the splits? I usually give up on stuff like this after like ten days, but I haven't been a failure yet, so that's nice lol
I'm… proud that I've been stretching every day so that I can do the splits? I usually give up on stuff like this after like ten days, but I haven't been a failure yet, so that's nice lol
I'm grateful for recently asking help when I need it.
I like how I care a lot for my family and friends.
ah yess Tuesday…I guess what i mean is i like that i'm still alive so far
It's Tuesday? I thought it was Monday.
Nope, it's for sure Tuesday
I mean, I guess that's a good thing. So, yay Tuesday!
Oof, I really don't care for Tuesdays-
But I mean, I guess yay Tuesday
I usually don't care for Tuesdays either, but I don't really favor Mondays so it's better Tuesday than Monday.
I feel I'm doing an okay job in the newest group rp I've started
PROUD OF YOU!!! <3333333
also i just realized that i don't think i posted something today
lemme try to think of something
i won't be long or maybe i will, idk
i swear i won't keep that promise aha
oh- i know
i'm proud of myself for having such weird friends!!!!! EMBRACE THE WEIRDDDDDDDDDD
i swear, my friend just said to me, "do you wanna buy a sevvie?"
(the term "sevvie" refers to the seventh graders at my school)
and then she proceeded to say, "yeah, i have two sevvies for sale. it's only a little bit illegal. only a little bit."
i love her for that XD
lol yup!
Okay so everyone else hates it but I love my singing.
Lol. I'm sure your singing is nice.
No seriously like I have potential but I need to work on getting pitch and tone right. Which is okay.
@UReady4Spaghetti (I think you should join this chat babe)
i can name a lot i don't like about myself right now but that's not for this chat so…
my fingernails ??? i guess ???
they're kinda shiny
That’s awesome Ella!
I'm really proud of how little I need to study in order to do well on tests. I only rewrote my notes once, and the test we took today I felt really confident about! (Of course, I could have done terribly tho xD Haven't seen it graded yet xDD)
Oof, I wish I had that kind of memory (I don't study anyway, but I've just sort if accepted failure at this point lmao 😂)
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