Started by @saor_illust school

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@saor_illust school

okay so i was talking with a friend
and i was trying to get them to see themselves as their friends see them, which sadly, didn't work, but i am now determined to continue this work on notebook

as the title says, i want you to tell me one new thing that you like, and are proud of about yourself everyday, or at least try to. and if it's personal, or you just don't feel like sharing it to a total stranger, just tell it to yourself. and i don't care if you say you only have one thing that you like about yourself. make something that you like about yourself. maybe you're not doing so great in a certain subject at school, or you have a new hobby that you enjoy doing. practice the subject or hobby a bunch! and when you get good at it, you have something to be proud of!!!

self-appreciation here!!!!
no self-hate in this thread!!!!

with love,
izzy <3

(edit: i just realized that before i posted this this is actually really similar to the body positivity chat that miriam made, but i swear i'm not trying to copy it!!! i'm just in a strangely good mood right now!!)

aight so a couple of days or weeks later, i've finally decided to make the rules section.
here they are:

1) there is absolutely no self-hate or self-depreciation in this thread. this is a thread to find stuff you like about yourselves, or to find motivation

2) you may absolutely give a thing to someone if they can't think of something and you can think of a million things you like about that person.

3) oh and yes, please follow all of andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)'s rules! ^^

4) to discourage anyone (which includes me) from skipping days, the days you skip you have to make up. so if you skip four days, the next day you need to think of five new and different things that you like about yourself. four for the four days you skipped, and one for the current day.


(This is a really neat idea, and I have a problem with self-deprecation, so…)
I have a really nice smile? Like, not necessarily pretty, but genuine and nice

@saor_illust school


AND REMEMBER, BEING "OVERWEIGHT" ISN'T ALWAYS THAT BIG OF A PROBLEM. IF YOU'!!!!RE "CHUBBY," OWN IT! IT'S STILL YOUR BODY, SO BE PROUD OF YOUR BODY!!!!!! (and no, I'm not saying that being overweight is never a health issue, just some motivation)

Nie, what's one thing you like about yourself? <3

@saor_illust school


And Rainy, yes!

Nie, I've said it before, and I will say it again: If you can't find something you like about yourself, make something!!!


So umm I really like this thread??? I'm definitely going to be coming here a LOT ^^

For me, I love my feet. That might sound really weird, but I walk barefoot a lot, and I'm so proud about how tough they've become! I can walk through a sticker patch and be (mostly xD) okay. (At least, could have xDD It's February, and still super cold out, but I've started walking barefoot again on warm days! It's really grounding for me ^^)


Well, let's see. I guess, I like my style. Like my clothes and stuff, the stuff I would get if I had the money- eheh, but still I like that :P Not sure if it counts


Thanks so much for making it Izzy! It's just what I needed today ^^
But hbu?? Have you said something about yourself yet today? :D