forum I am Demon, I’m Demoning, I have Demoned
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

(It’s a RP convo thing cus they’re popular and whatever I’m bored. It’s about a Demon)

You and a friend went and investigated a farmhouse in their backyard. You went up to the upstairs area and found a dead chicken. It was still running around everywhere and flapping its wings.

Deleted user

"Weird…" I muttered, peering at the chicken. "Do you think I should stab it? Yeah, I'm going to stab it." I said, pulling out the small pocket knife I had… Well, in my pocket.

Deleted user

The chicken continued running and running like the freaky ass thing it was. It slammed into the wall upon random, unholy force and it went limp.

Deleted user

"Stahp it, we could get arrested for being in here." I scolded my friend, shaking one of my fingers on the hand that wasn't holding a knife.

Deleted user

(ok so i need uno person and I choose Red bc I love Red)

Oh… Okay… I didn't see this… I guess I'll leave now…///

Deleted user

(Lmao thanks Red. But Lex and Red you two can chill here and story it up)


"That's what makes this more fun!" I chuckled at my friend and moved forward to nudge the now-limp chicken with my foot. "Is it finally dead?"

Deleted user

It wiggled around under the person’s foot. It seemed pretty close to bleeding out. It rose up in the air again (somehow) and slammed back into the wooded wall of the barnhouse at spectacular force.


(I read that as "uno more person" and now I've confused myself. I thought Emi was gonna be the demon mediator and have Lex/Bee and I the two confused friends?)

Deleted user

"You're insufferable," I mutter jokingly, my sense of humor, as usual, being a form of making fun of someone. "And I don't think it was alive…"

Deleted user

(Ok ok so I’ll be the Demon Mediator and Red, you are one of the friends, and Bee is the second.)

Deleted user

(Ok ok so I’ll be the Demon Mediator and Red, you are one of the friends, and Bee is the second.)



It wiggled around under the person’s foot. It seemed pretty close to bleeding out. It rose up in the air again (somehow) and slammed back into the wooded wall of the barnhouse at spectacular force.

I jump back at the sudden strong movement from a chicken of all things and drop my phone in the process. "Shit fuck," I mutter, sending an awkward smile towards my friend as I go to retrieve my poor phone. Please don't be cracked…

Deleted user

"I swear-!" I exclaimed, cutting myself off before I could make more noise. "This place is fucking creepy." I muttered, walking closer to my friend. "Why did I think of doing this? Stupid, stupid Lex."

Deleted user

The chicken picked itself up again, and it turned its front to face the pair of friends. It wiggled around, as if being shaken side by side.

Deleted user

"Yup! I'm stabbing it." I muttered, lunging over and stabbing the chicken in its heart. "Is it dead?" I asked my friend, having closed my eyes as soon as I hit the chicken.