forum Hunger Games Sim! (No more people can join but y'all can spectate!)
Started by @soupnana group

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@soupnana group


The Bloodbath
Fiona severely slices Kylee with a sword.

Day 1
Potato dies from an infection.

Night 1
Red poisons Niko's drink, but mistakes it for her own and dies.

Day 2
Andromeda sings an opera solo for August. August is not impressed and kills Andromeda.

Night 2
Rvan poisons Fiona's drink. She drinks it and dies.
Midnight fell in lava while mining for diamonds.

Day 3
No deaths occurred.

Night 3
Hinata attempts to climb a tree, but falls on Starlord, killing them both.
andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) kills Thor while he is sleeping.

Day 4
Thanos fell out of the world.

Night 4
A zombie was hungry and saw Niko and Mochi from the shadows. Niko runs away leaving Mochi to be devoured.
Rvan sets an explosive off, killing Skye, and Donald Trump.

Day 5
Obama throws a knife into Niko's chest.

Night 5
Obama accidently steps on a landmine.

The Feast
Rvan convinces andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) to not kill him, only to kill him instead.

Day 6
Pewds shoots an arrow at Rvan, but misses and kills August instead.
Loki and Peridot get into an intense dance battle. Peridot defeats him and Loki dies from shame.

Night 6
No deaths occurred.

Day 7
No deaths occurred.

Night 7
No deaths occurred.

Day 8
Peridot was stabbed in the knee by a random swedish man.

Night 8
Pewds sets an explosive off, killing Rvan, Nick Cage, and Steve Carell.

Day 9
Shuri dies of dysentery.
The winner is Pewds from District 9!


In case you’re wondering what I have against Pewds, it’s nothing, I’m just sick of 40,000 people commenting on my PaigeeWorld uploads saying “Subscribe to PewDiePie”

@soupnana group


  1. Pewds
  2. Shuri
  3. Steve Carell
  4. Nick Cage
  5. Rvan
  6. Peridot
  7. Loki
  8. August
  9. andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)
  10. Obama
  11. Niko
  12. Donald Trump
  13. Skye
  14. Mochi
  15. Thanos
  16. Thor
  17. Starlord
  18. Hinata
  19. Midnight
  20. Fiona
  21. Andromeda
  22. Red
  23. Potato
  24. Kylee


4: Pewds
4: Rvan
1: andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)
1: Peridot
1: Niko
1: Obama
1: Fiona
1: August

@soupnana group

In case you’re wondering what I have against Pewds, it’s nothing, I’m just sick of 40,000 people commenting on my PaigeeWorld uploads saying “Subscribe to PewDiePie”

Well, then you should subscribe to Pewdiepie, shouldn't you.


In case you’re wondering what I have against Pewds, it’s nothing, I’m just sick of 40,000 people commenting on my PaigeeWorld uploads saying “Subscribe to PewDiePie”

Well, then you should subscribe to Pewdiepie, shouldn't you.

But why do that when I can subscribe to NerdECrafter?

@soupnana group

In case you’re wondering what I have against Pewds, it’s nothing, I’m just sick of 40,000 people commenting on my PaigeeWorld uploads saying “Subscribe to PewDiePie”

Well, then you should subscribe to Pewdiepie, shouldn't you.

But why do that when I can subscribe to NerdECrafter?

Because you can be subscribed to more than one person, and it never hurts to subscribe! :D

@soupnana group

So apparently my boy really loves Stranger things

Yup. I find it most funny when people who haven't even seen the show rant about it. XD


In case you’re wondering what I have against Pewds, it’s nothing, I’m just sick of 40,000 people commenting on my PaigeeWorld uploads saying “Subscribe to PewDiePie”

Well, then you should subscribe to Pewdiepie, shouldn't you.

But why do that when I can subscribe to NerdECrafter?

Because you can be subscribed to more than one person, and it never hurts to subscribe! :D

“It never hurts to subscribe”

Okay then subscribees to da T-series and Justin Bieber and Jake/Logan Paul NEVER HURTS ANYTHING

@soupnana group

In case you’re wondering what I have against Pewds, it’s nothing, I’m just sick of 40,000 people commenting on my PaigeeWorld uploads saying “Subscribe to PewDiePie”

Well, then you should subscribe to Pewdiepie, shouldn't you.

But why do that when I can subscribe to NerdECrafter?

Because you can be subscribed to more than one person, and it never hurts to subscribe! :D

“It never hurts to subscribe”

Okay then subscribees to da T-series and Justin Bieber and Jake/Logan Paul NEVER HURTS ANYTHING

No. That does hurt because all those folks are 1. either horrible or just stupid people. Or 2. they are challenging Pewds, and that is not allowed on my GOOD CHRISTIAN SERVER.