forum Hunger Games Sim! (No more people can join but y'all can spectate!)
Started by @soupnana group

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@soupnana group


Kylee receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.

Grace kills Midnight with her own weapon.

Tiramisu stabs Soup Nana with a tree branch. (⊙_⊙)

Red receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.

@soupnana group

DAY 10

Kylee reads a cheesy romance novel found in the cornucopia and cries silently.

Grace tries to sleep through the entire day.

Red collects fruit from a tree.

Tiramisu accidently steps on a landmine. (Now I have been avenged.)

@soupnana group


The Bloodbath
No deaths occurred.

Day 1
Loki dies from an infection.
Mochi attempts to climb a tree, but falls on Obama, killing them both.
Peridot severely slices Pewds with a sword.
Shuri stabs Thanos in the back with a trident.

Night 1
No deaths occurred.

Day 2
Nick Cage kills Rvan with a hatchet.

Night 2
No deaths occurred.

Day 3
Grace forces Donald Trump to kill Steve Carell or Starlight. He decides to kill Starlight.

Night 3
Peridot tracks down and kills Thor.

Day 4
No deaths occurred.

Night 4
NutElla, Peridot, Starlord, and Midnight track down and kill Shuri.

Day 5
Peridot dies from thirst.

Night 5
NutElla repeatedly stabs Steve Carell to death with sais.

Day 6
Tiramisu kills Dobby as he tries to run.
NutElla bashes Starlord's head in with a mace.

Night 6
Donald Trump attempts to climb a tree, but falls to his death.

Day 7
No deaths occurred.

Night 7
Nick Cage was burnt to a crisp by a ghast.

The Feast
NutElla kills andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) for his supplies.

Day 8
NutElla severely injures Snowy and leaves her to die.

Night 8
No deaths occurred.

Day 9
Soup Nana overpowers NutElla, killing her.

Night 9
Grace kills Midnight with her own weapon.
Tiramisu stabs Soup Nana with a tree branch.

Day 10
Tiramisu accidently steps on a landmine.

Night 10
Red was blown up by a creeper.
Kylee severely injures Grace, but puts her out of her misery.
The winner is Kylee from District 3!

@soupnana group


  1. Kylee
  2. Grace
  3. Red
  4. Tiramisu
  5. Soup Nana
  6. Midnight
  7. NutElla
  8. Snowy
  9. andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)
  10. Nick Cage
  11. Donald Trump
  12. Starlord
  13. Dobby
  14. Steve Carell
  15. Peridot
  16. Shuri
  17. Thor
  18. Starlight
  19. Rvan
  20. Thanos
  21. Pewds
  22. Obama
  23. Mochi
  24. Loki


5: NutElla
3: Peridot
2: Tiramisu
1: Starlord
1: Kylee
1: Grace
1: Midnight
1: Shuri
1: Nick Cage
1: Soup Nana
1: Donald Trump

Deleted user

Hey Tiramisu! Thanks for killing me. =_=

….. It's not my fault.
At least you weren't dumb enough to shoot your own eye out, lol

@soupnana group

Hey Soup Nana! Thanks for killing me =_=

Hey NutElla! Thanks for killing Shuri, Steve Carell, andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer), Snowy, and Starlord. =_=

Deleted user

My question is how can you "accidentally" step on a land mine?