forum How would you describe yourself?
Started by shurikenwolfbadass_13

people_alt 8 followers


Um okay, here goes:

I would say I'm a good person. Not perfect, but good. I try my best in school, my teachers love me, and my friends are all there for me. I don't like being honest a lot if it means I am compared to other people, but I'll try in this circumstance. I would also say that I am good at things, but I am afraid that other people secretly don't think so. Like, for instance, I play the cello and piano. I personally think I'm pretty good at it. I'm not so sure about my family though. I find myself comparing me to other people practically on a daily basis. It's a really bad habit of mine. If I were to describe qualities, I would say quiet (but not when I'm around some of my friends), smart(ish), and funny. Sometimes. IDK.

What about y'all?


Isn't it funny how your own description of yourself tells more in how you say it than what you actually say? Like how I started off on a random tangent instead of sticking right to the point…
I'd like to call myself a risk taker and world shaker, but then I'd have to prove it. My shoes are always untied and I can't sit normally in a school dest. If I can, I'll sit on top of it, or slouch as far as I can or sit on the floor or put my feet on my friend's desk until someone tells me to stop. I like talking to intelligent people about intelligent ideas and still I quote stupid vines on the daily.
I do everything I can possibly do and I'm constantly busy and yet I like nothing more than to sit at my computer and write, lost in a world of my creation.


I'm very optimistic and encouraging, but when it comes to myself I'm super insecure and I treat myself horribly. I love music and sing like, 24/7 and apparently I'm a good singer but I'm honestly not bc like I said I'm insecure. I would die for my family and friends, and am a generally very laidback and calm person. I can be a little inconsiderate, and it makes me feel like a piece of garbage for it. I'm generally more quiet but sometimes will do something really crazy or stupid and shock everyone. I can be a bit impulsive and my mouth sometimes runs away from me. I could care less what others think of me but I think of myself horribly. Animals are like the best therapy ever for me, right alongside reading and writing. Math, angry or disappointed parents, and upset siblings stress me into panic attacks, especially lectures from my parents, so I try to make sure that I'm always one step ahead of them, doing things before I'm told and such. I'm a hard worker and could not live without working because it's now a habit, as is walking.
(That's a lot, sorry.)


I hate sounding like I'm ever bragging about myself or showing off, but I still think about doing it ALL the TIME. I want people to think I'm cool, and to do that they have to ALSO think I'm not prideful… sigh I fall in love with things that catch my attention VERY easily, and as time goes on the obsession fades but my love grows stronger. Same goes for things I hate. I usually pick on people and joke around with them all lot, and my sister is my usual target… I can see things from all perspectives, and I tend to play devil's advocate way too much. And on accident. So many people walk out of arguments with me confused and frustrated… so with people I'm only acquainted with, I try to be as amiable and agreeable as possible. I get really loud at home and sing and talk in tons of silly voices, and I have to bottle it all up around non-family and that gets kind of exhausting. XD I want to travel the world, compete in all sorts of physical competitions (like Spartan Races), and also somehow make a lasting change in the world… dunno if it'll happen, but I at least want to know that me being around has helped people.


I'm usually a relaxed guy, I certainly don't tend to crack under pressure. And I'm confident too, because my type of lifestyle does that to you. However, I gotta admit, I can be cold-blooded sometimes. I'm plain rebellious too. All in all, intellectually, I'm decent, and I use my mind to my advantage. I'm pretty obsessed with anime because, why not. I absolutely encourage diversity of all kinds.

I always push myself to get better in every single way, because I grew up in DBZ, and because it certainly does pay off. I try to get smarter, stronger, more morally correct, and more skillful at every opportunity, to the point of insanity. I'm a decent artist and musician, and I love working with, and riding motorcycles, in fact, I'm a stone's throw away from getting my motorbike license. I hang out with a diverse group of people because it's awesome having friends who are their own people.

I am probably the most memeable person ever. And that's about it, people.


shuriken, I thought you said "memorable" at the end there for second. Like woah there.

You all are pretty cool people. I like how such different people all have this one thing in common: writing. It connects us all in a way that, I think, makes us all understand each other to a certain degree.


Okay it me:

I'm lowkey a pushover and a people pleaser, with a bit of a lukewarm personality. However it's not that I let people walk over me as much as I just keep quiet and don't call them out for their BS. I'll stand up for people, but not really for myself, since I can handle it and laugh it off later. I can be overdramatic at times, but typically I'm extremely laid back and calm. I don't like confrontation at ALL which can make me overly compromising but whatever. I share people's excitement, so basically I'm at your energy level at any given time, and I'm a great listener. I can be secretive and I don't like to bother people with my problems, and I suck at advice. I have limited life experience and so I suffer from FOMO like really badly. I'm spontaneous, driven, and ambitious, and will stop at nothing until I get somewhere. Where? I'm not sure. Just…somewhere.


Aww!! Ya'll i feel like we're friends already :)
(if you can't tell im from texas so read everthing i write with a nice southern accent) im kidding please dont


Something I forgot to add about myself, I have a lot of self-hate(like extreme self-hate) and also am such a sensitive person to others' feelings that if someone else slaps me I will be the one apologizing to them, even though I was the one who got hurt.