forum How to destroy a planet....
Started by @Paperok

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How would you destroy a planet? I dont mean a population wipe, I mean literal planetary destruction. Ideas?


I'd make like a Dr Doofenshmirtz and create the "De-atmosphere-inator," which when aimed at the sky destroys any atmosphere we have. Everything would simultaneously suffocate, explode from extreme radiation, and freeze over. And no one would be able to hear the screams because the air would be gone.


It took me two seconds to think of my first plan (to put a nuke in each of the tectonic plates, Superman-villain style), but as I was writing it I thought of a better way to ensure that everyone would definitely die. Also I had Phineas and Ferb on the mind. So probably a minute, to answer. :P


turn the center of the planet into a giant bomb or depending on if you want to destroy the planet or just kill all the inhabitants, start a new plague on every continent/in every country.