forum How doess it feel to teleport?
Started by @CopperQueen

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Some peope make teleportation so seemless, but I'd like to imagineit causes some kind of distress on the body or mind, or maybe it makes you dizzy, maybe it feels good? What do you think?

Deleted user

I think it would depend, for the first few times I think it would hurt a bit… But as you do it more, the pain is replaced with a warm tingling.


Hmm… this is what I'm coming up with. For the first few times it takes longer because your body isn't as used to it, and it feels like static electricity: a very uncomfortable tingle. You also have a headache afterwards because of the strain/stress/thingamajigs, but as you get used to it it starts becoming easier.


@Have-A-Very-Shuri-Christmas! That depends on the story of course, but I was thinking simply teleporting through space,Like from onehouse to another

Deleted user

So it would hurt in a good way? You know the feeling of the kind of pulsing feeling?

The first times, no. It would probably feel like your body is on fire.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

But a technical system wouldn't do anything to you unless it disolves the entire body, right?

The technical would assemble and reassemble your body.
The magical… could pretty much do whatever you want.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Imma jump in on the technical side since the magical is impossible to pin. I would say it would feel like an instant of buzzing that would fill your entire body. Like pins and needles but more so, and only for a second.